Josh The Cannabis Columnist

Doesn’t everything? 

Smells like a steak and seats 35

Well, she seems nice, in a rabid badger kind of way. Actually, rabid, racist badger. Yeah, a real sweetheart.

This is painting a much wilder portrait of your sex life than you intend.

‘The computerised juicer endorsed by a clown.....’

This f@^&in idiot. I CAN NOT. He is The Onion walking.

From Trebek’s mother.

Except he’s so overshot the mark that now even Alex Jones is sidling out of the picture.  “My cover’s blown!  Exfiltrate! Exfiltrate!”

“I’ve been living under a rock for the last few years”

Saw some of his interview with Lex Fridman. He said that learning about history was pointless, that no-one should pay attention to the past, and that school should be limited to 1) engineering and 2) recess.

Oh, he didn’t just do that. He repeatedly took out a brightly-colored fishing net, called it ‘Netan,’ and did bits with it where he gave it an Elmo voice and made it say things like: ‘Oh no, Ye, you’re being antisemitic!’ It was meant to be funny but even Fuentes and Jones were cringing.

He also accused chestnuts of being lazy. Well... some *wink* chestnuts...

Wait, Hitler didn’t invent the question mark???

Yeah, I’ve read that, and was expecting him to throw in “he invented the question mark” for good measure.

If he’s given it any thought at all, which I’m confident he hasn’t, he probably believes that he and Hitler could have been on decent terms, sort of like with Trump and other American white supremacists.

Imagine being so batshit insane that you make Alex fucking Jones try (unsuccessfully) to reel you back in. He gave Kanye so many chances to walk back or temper his comments, but every time he just doubled down and went even further.

Imagine being too crazy and odious for Parler.

This dude is making a serious run at being the first ever human to go from literal billionaire to homeless.

This sounds horrific, like an off-brand Pepto Bismol.