Josh The Cannabis Columnist

“What is ‘I’ve run out of things to write about’ for $500?”

Colorado has vending machines that dispense cannabis and cannabis infused products. If there was machine next to it that dispensed pizza, millions could be made.

Oh buddy, I have some bad news...

I don’t know/care about Cole, but jfc, this is a utter trash piece.


Hey wait, I mean, she was married to Chad from Nickleb - oh. Yeah, you’re right.

Sorry the show that put you on the map is making you so unhappy. You sound like a really professional pleasant person to be around though.

Lots of mentions of the higher prices at these Disney Starbucks, but no listing of the prices. Since it isnt worth mentioning in your piece, any tips on how I can find these oft mentioned higher prices?

This, all day long. Fuck these American Taliban Dickweed Limpdick Assclowns.

I got a “Worthless Trash Human” notification for this?

So this will replace the Super Bowl Half Time Show as the worst thing The Weekend has done.

Mr. Potato Head died on the way back to his home planet.

That happened bc he was all “No, I don’t need a vaccine against Death By Cross, my Father will protect me.” And look how that worked out.

The writing would be better.

Daihatsu? I hardly knew her.

It sounds like these superheros should see a doctor if they are experiencing fatigue. Could be a change in diet could help.

The dog food commercial had me eating my own tears.

Look, can I fuck the M&Ms now, or not?

That’s why I’ve started a Go Fund Me page for Rhianna. Dig deep, y’all.

If someone wants to wear them, go for it. They look like a great way to get a Big Red Sprained Ankle, but again, y’all do y’all.