Josh The Cannabis Columnist

Slutty Oreos have joined the chat...

“It seems that Ticketmaster has taken actions that resulted in a Wet-Ass Pussy, leaving fans to say don’t show up, don’t come out, don’t start caring about me now. Seantor, I yield my time.”

“Tate’s claims about the jail’s conditions come weeks after he was reportedly briefly hospitalized whilst “suffering from certain ailments.”

Great, who’s gonna clean up the vomit from my keyboard now, huh?

Oooooh, do have any photos of the $24 m check she got to play a country that hates the LGBTQIA community?

So, your neighbor has a small, soft penis then.

“but she went him her vocals the week he died and Crosby’s son, Raymond Crosby, told her that his father did get a chance to hear them before he died.”

I came and made this same comment, asking if she wasn’t mentioned because she’s a gay woman. This site...

Other cast members have included academy award winning actress Linda Hunt, but since she’s a gay woman, no need to mention her I guess?

Oh there is no “trying” my friend.

“It’s what your Mommy and I should have done instead of having you, Billy.”

Garbage. Oh sure, it sounds like it would be fun to root through dumpsters to find food that hasn’t spoiled or been gnawed on by rats. But, not so much. How do I know? That’s not important.

And they should provide someone to watch their programming with you, and maybe get you something cold to drink.

This is known as “British Madonna Syndrome”. Thoughts and prayers.

“Sir, do you know why I pulled you over?”

Also dead in 2023 - any sense of taste or decorum at the AV Club.

Edmund G. Rattkins, the world’s only diagnosed Waffle Burger allergy sufferer, has joined chat....

“I mean, would I have preferred actually killing her? Sure, but I had to think about the kids...”

Oh, this is nothing to be sorry about, unlike his entire body of work. 

Seeing as how Musk really seems to hate and fear women, this checks out.