Josh The Cannabis Columnist

“Why Do All These Homosexuals Keep Sucking My Cock?” - Greatest Onion Headline Ever

But how else will they get clicks? I hope its put into a slideshow format, because this site is in dire need of more of those.

Or, you know, learn how process servers work before writing a whining piece about it. Christ, this site is turning into trash.

It varies based on the amount consumed, tolerance, and if they were mixing it with alcohol. That last one is the highest (ha ha) liklihood - mixing alcohol and edibles often results in “cross fading’, and then vomiting.

“Wow, it’s much softer than I remember. Should it be this soft?

Don’t be a boob.

JFC. If only there was a website that allowed you to quickly confirm facts for free. If anyone ever comes up with one of those, I bet they will make thousands of dollars.

If you (individual or business) handle cannabis in any fashion, you are prohibited from opening or operating any traditional banking/credit union service.

I want the MORE Act to pass as much as anyone, just like I did when it passed the House the first time. But JFC, get real, it is NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. The Senate will never pass it, and with the Dems looking to lose the House in November, it’s going to be years before it passes the House again. I’m thrilled that HBCU’s

I’m willing to watch an episode of this if Janelle Monáe is allowed to slap each and every member of the family. Twice.

Yeah, no. This is not happening, period. The Chuck Schuler sponsored Act isn’t passing either. Sorry.

Nothing. You “need” to know nothing about these two dumpster fire people and their trial.

I can only speak for Oregon, but my 3 favorite dispensries are running sales on all products, including edibles, through Saturday. Most are 50% off. We have an issue with oversupply atm, so things are already stupid cheap.

Free range indie rock or GTFO.

shhhhh. let them.

Framing Batman as anti-immigrant with the contention that Superman is an “illegal” in violation of numerous citizenship laws.

So “Hot Wonder Twin Who Fucks” and...that nice woman with whom I am not familiar, but good for her. Good for her.

I’m shocked that relationship advice from a third rate former boy band member and his actress wife isn’t solid af.

But it’s based on the best selling “Big Book of Emojis”!

I don’t use the N-word a lot”. Oh, okay, as long as it’s not a lot, I guess that’s just fine.