Josh The Cannabis Columnist

I got an Aquafina alert for this?

Then you really arent going to enjoy the upcoming NFTs from this film.

How many Japanese chocolate cows had to be slaughtered for this promotion? Huh? Wake up people!

The marketing team didn’t get good feedback on the original campaign “Build A Bear You Can Fuck”.

Emily, it’s Laurel Hell, not Laurel Hill.

In 2018, when The AC Club ran that piece on “How To Make Meth While Watching The Olympics”Such a senseless loss of life for those two weeks.

This fucking breaks my heart.

Fine, I’ll do it. I just made this one up.

All the women I have slept with called me “freaky fast”, but it wasn’t with the air of positivity which this article makes that phrase sound.

Free range organic locally sourced snow, or go fuck yourself. I’m not eating factory farmed corporate snow, man, not again.

Hey Gwen I’m very sorry to see you go, but glad you will hopefully find an employer who isnt a dumpster of burning medical waste. I’ve enjoyed your writing, and was particularly thrilled 4 years ago when you did a write up on a two night fundraiser I produced in Portland with 3/4th of REM, 2/3rds of Sleater Kinney, M

The camera pulls back, and the entire cast is shown to actually be in a snowglobe. Which is then thrown against the wall, gasoline doused on the broken shards, and set alight.

Do you allow the possibility of any joy in your life? - The AV Club

It was everywhere in the 70s and 80s. If you want to bring something back from that time which is no longer in production, bring back the quaalude.

“my cranky, repetitive pandemic existence.”

Sending you, peace, power and strength. You are valued, you count, and you deserve to be happy.

...audiences have always wondered where it all began, right?

If going the pour oven route, you NEED a kitchen scale. Weighing the coffee beans makes all the difference.

Disagree. A true fucking badass justice seeking superhero would have let go of the wheel and steered with his knees while firing two guns. But yes, his training is top notch and in no way video game based, if that is what anyone is saying. Also, Florida you say? This is my shocked face

Is there a GoFundMe page?