Josh The Cannabis Columnist

You won’t enjoy the HBO/NBC mash up “This Is The Last Of Us”. Lots of crying and long gazes mixed with shooting, lots of shooting.

Is Gigi Hadid Pasta that pasta that everyone is saying is a “super” pasta, but when you look at it, it’s more of just a “It’s fine, sure, but there isn’t much “there” there, and overall it’s sort of bland, plus it has dead eyes” sorta pasta?


She was, how you say, a huge fucking fraud.

You’re gonna love the new vegan version, Pleatherface.

Ghosted is when you don’t call someone back after having sex, in a way to get them to leave you alone. So, sorta what I did with most of your Moms.

Need this.

Some of us have managed to do so, and turn it into a lucrative career with a syndicated newspaper column and work consulting with major labels developing cannabis projects and products for their artists, but you do you, Judgey Pants.

I don’t think they need to be refrigerated....

Absolutely! You can enroll them in the Roll/Baked Potato/Sad Plain Salad of the month club, where every month they get the three items must given to vegan/vegetarians by befuddled but well meaning friends and family. Provided you don’t care much about food, it’s yummy!

Regardless, it’s been a grape tragedy....

That because she shot the other books to death as a warning to the remaining books.

I’m not crying, you’re the one who’s crying, so shut up.

It was a very bad idea for Shirley to do that much coke before the 50's theme party she was attending later that night, but Shirley wasn’t much for thinking things through carefully, and so she proceeded to hoover up both grams that Bill had bought earlier that day.

Anyone doing that must have been very high on drugs, and really....baked.

“New Year’s Eve With Two Sad, Needy Disasters With Terrible Tattoos” seems more accurate.

close friend Julianne Moore (who referred to her as “the coolest human on the planet).

1) What’s the point of even trying anymore?

Billy Bob’s Deluxe Fuckwagon didn’t test well, for some reason...

I was wondering what I could watch that would make me cry non-stop, looks like we have a winner