Capers are semi-wacky undertakings, normally by a comically mismatched collection of individuals, often involving the theft of money or goods.
Capers are semi-wacky undertakings, normally by a comically mismatched collection of individuals, often involving the theft of money or goods.
Fantastic plan. If you can forgo words and just make animals sounds - Reindeer sounds even - it takes the creep out factor up a level.
Himbo is the male equivilent of “Bimbo”. Of the terms you can apply to Reeves, that isn’t one, and shows some lazy writing on the part of Megan. Try harder.
What’s the line for writing flattering pieces on men with a history of abusive behavior towards women? Becauase both these guys have baggage in that department, and yet other men with the same types of transgretions are rarely given this much positive attention from the AV Club. Anyone? Not trying to be snarky, I…
Not listed: An ounce of mushrooms, which is the only way anyone should watch this dreck.
It’s best watched with the help of an edible (if it’s legal in your area).
Let Salt Bae, aka Douchebag sentient Bernie from Weekend at Bernies show you how to make an IED that definetely won’t explode before it’s meant to bec - oh, dear. No he’s dead, and the world is a far better place.
Narrator: But it wasn’t interesting. Not at all.
Translation: “Eat fancy like big truck driving American, make loud rude sounds USA#1".
It’s remarkable how similiar this story is to my own, with my Ikea coffee table once getting some water spilled on it, and then being sold to someone on Craigslist for $50, and the guy had recently been to Italy.
It can be both.
deserves more stars.
Not listed:
No, he’s the guy who was abusive to Fiona Apple, and sounds like a fucking garbage human.
That is the face of a man who hates women, women of color, POC, and then women again.
It’s a sad, heartbreaking yet ribbeting tale, really.
For just 5K$, I will sell you a phone containing teeth of the most dangerous animal = man. It’s like this bag of dead hobo teeth is doing me any good anyway.
If by blowjob, then yes, I believe that to be true.
I don’t see how I could enjoyably please myself to this channel. PASS.
Wait, I thought she was fucking the older, fatter guy who she sang to at the Grammys a couple years back.