Josh The Cannabis Columnist

I feel that shooting someone to death is the real “cancel culture”.

Math, along with editing skills, isnt really what this site is about.

Yes! Yes I would! That would be great! Let’s fucking DO IT! Then let’s go dancing!

So our long national nightmare of gender inequality has ended, right? Yay!

So in regards to that unequal pairing, one could say to Stephanie “I feel for you”?

Following the event, Scott promised to cover the cost of victims’ funeral services.”

Impossible Soylent Green, which is made from plant based people. Except they aren’t plant based. They are actual people. 2022 is gonna be rough.

Anytime I can help remind people what a patriarchal piece of garbage this Ed Hardy ass clown is, it’s a good day. Happy to help.

Body shaming isn’t cool, and I would never do that, but it appears DJ Trashbag here isn’t exactly adhering to the WW rules with great enthusiasm. 

I mean, I can see being a Black millennial and navigating life OR love, but both?! When can I tune in?

Fellow white dude here. I’m based in Portland, Oregon, and as a Trump designated “Anarchist Jurisdiction”, I can attest that the majority of people I know refer to it as a coup. Oh, and we would like the Trump family to die in a slow, horrible manner, perhaps involving fire, or snakes, or snakes that shoot fire from

Based on what DJ Khaled won’t eat, I’m out. 


I mean, if she wants to do so, great, so long as I’m not required to participate.

They passed on Drake because he was way, way too excited to do in-store promotions with Horton’s younger customer base. 

Blah blah blah my cousin’s sister’s bf had one of these, and let me tell you, this car is a cancer, a nightmare, the doing of the devil. I would never buy this car, unless it was a dollar. CP all day long, and I should know.” - regular commenters

Maybe they can help solve the mystery of what moves them to be such an attention dependent sad case of super sadness.

Does it come with “skate shoes” that you can wear once they’ve cut your feet off from the dieabeetus you will develop? They should do that. 

Just wait till you hear “Nurple Rain” before you pass judgment on Prance.

Well, seeing as how Brexit involved pulling out...