Josh The Cannabis Columnist

Please stop calling your sex worker “my blue pill”. His name is Steve, and you still owe him $300.

FWIW, I’m really proud of you. 

“It is important for us to let folks know we are a 21st century Alabama, that we’re not the same Alabama of 1901 that didn’t want Black and white folks to get married, that didn’t think that Black and white children should go to school together,” she said.

I think the solution to having a $24M surgically attached diamond ripped from your forehead is to add a surgically attached safe for the diamond. Will having a safe that I imagine weighs a few hundred pounds surgically attached to your forehead result in issues? I’m not a forehead safe surgeon, so I can’t say. I’m a

Hey! I for one would like to hear more from Poory Poor, and his trials and tribulations. Said in a patois because sure why not. 

Portland Oregon here, I think our Syrup choice is on spot, and probably contains weed. 

At present, 58 USD per large order

Some of this AI’s best friends are Black, btw.

Chuck Netflix, of the Connecticut Netflixs.

There are dozens or more great albums by artists who don’t support Trump, and aren’t egomaniacal fuckcakes. How Donda ended up on this list is a mystery, you gave it a C-. Don’t listen to this dumpster fire, seek out something which doesn’t suck rocks. Remember, unlike the AV Club, you don’t need to listen to garbage

I was told they would be doing the soundtrack for MamaMia2:ElectricMamalou

The only way to settle this is to capture, kill and dissect the purple beast, preferably live on a children’s show. It worked with Barney. 

Actually he’s going to be digitally inserted as the host of Reading Rainbow.

Arbys - We have the Oily Puppy Meats! 

For those of you with issues getting to sleep, Showtime has the answer. 

This. His story makes me incredibly sad. I hope his friends and family find some small comfort and peace from this news. 

You know why the Hamburglar hasn’t been seen in any McD’s ad campaigns in years? Because he was slowly tortured and killed by Grimace, who is currently doing life without parole for the crime. That’s why. Don’t fuck with hamburgers, or a 400 pound purple monster.

Unlike most vagina shaped carrots?

I’ve never seen this, what’s the show about? 

I’m really sad that it took the AV so long to actually acknowledge his passing, and it’s not even front page worthy. But the shite cocksucker who was the host, then not the host of Jeopardy, got “breaking news” and the front page. Get your fucking priorities straight.