Candy Maldanado


Who plays Brett Pedroia?

Edit: responded to the wrong comment.

So BMWs are forced to only ever go straight due to their lack of turn signals to propel them left or right?

That guy looks like he’s impersonating Carlos Boozer with the drawn on hair.

Welcome to sports.

mine/yours and me/you are two that get used


I “retired” a few years ago, but we had been enforcing the pitch clock (20 seconds with no one on base), between innings clock (90 seconds for non-TV, 120 seconds for TV games), and keeping batters in the box in NCAA for several years. I looked back through some box scores of games I worked in another thread and the

It is not possible to be hit by a foul tip.

I love coming to a place that generally doesn’t know the difference between a foul tip and a foul ball and seeing good ol’ Type A/B obstruction talk.

Damn, when did it become an EJ? I never worked fed rules but thought I remember hearing over the years that fake tags were considered obstruction.

Kids, Peter King, same thing.

I remember this guy.

lemme speak to Brett Weir

Hank Azaria is mad in the header advertising as well.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a white one, plus don’t they just make them green-screens most of the time now anyway?

That creep can throw.

$1000/mo for a limited period to $70,000 annually seem like relevant details.