
There are books of which the backs and covers are by far the best part.

Men willingly believe what they wish.

BUT, it pains me to say this, I hope this means good things for renewal of The Exorcist.

Sorry your show was cancelled Matthew, your affection for it was genuinely endearing!!!

I stand by my theory that part of the reason he is the way he is, is that when those gym pictures of him came out, instead of everyone jizzing all over themselves like he thought they would, he was mocked mercilessly and he's still pissed off about that.

I wish I hadn't laughed at this.

"A hippie pimp," to quote the man himself.

That would be amazing, and I don't even watch SNL any more.

I dressed my maids as Amazons and rode bare-breasted halfway to Damascus. Louis had a seizure and I damn near died of windburn, but the troops were dazzled!

Wait, which one was one AHS???

Most pop music of the last ten years or so, practically all of anything even resembling science fiction.

Great interview Katie!!

Robert Downey Jr. would've brought something different to the role; he was at the VERY least sexier than Jon Cryer.


River's Edge is a damn fine movie, one of the better "teen" movies out there.


The last time I drank a sloe gin fizz I puked all over my socks.

James Spader is still the best part of that movie.

Andrew McCarthy was on Bret Easton Ellis' podcast pretty recently and a comment was made about Robert Downey Jr. saying that Less Than Zero was the beginning of the end for him as far as his drug use, and Andrew McCarthy said, "If that was the beginning, I'd hate to see what the end was like."

I would give almost anything to own either one of those black and white dresses that Carol and Vicki are sporting.