I feel similar about the toothless elderly person in the “wat” meme. Who is the person? Do they know their face is being used like this? Do they care?
I feel similar about the toothless elderly person in the “wat” meme. Who is the person? Do they know their face is being used like this? Do they care?
Off topic slightly but I feel bad for the guy in this meme. Like he’s a real person with his face spread all over the internet and people commenting on his appearance and shit.. idk I just think a meme like this is mean because it’s hurtful to the person. He’s maybe used to it by now but doesn’t make it less hurtful.…
As a white, cisgendered feminist I resent the implication that everything is not about me.
So, are you arguing that it is impossible to care about violence towards animals and about police violence? Is it not possible to care about both? Someone cares about animals; therefore, they must not care enough about people?
But caring about human life and caring about animal life go hand in hand. Compassion is not something that gets used up. I hear what you are saying that some people care more about animals than they do about people—I’ve met those people too, and while I won’t deny anyone’s racism, I think they’re also very damaged by…
There’s stoic duties in farming, but there certainly was room for empathy and consciousness raising. Just cause “that’s the way it’s been done” doesn’t mean outsiders won’t stick their nose in and tell you it’s time for a change—and take routes to insist you WILL cooperate or face consequences. We are our brother’s…
Yes but the rest of the world is not just Canada and I say this as a Canadian. The list of countries with elected female Prime Ministers or Presidents is quite long
I like to think that Larry didn’t want people voting for Hillary because she isn’t progressive enough. Larry was more of an Elizabeth Warren guy.
We should let the market decide who has the babies from now on... I'm tired of BIG NATURE telling us how it has to be done
I was already married when I found out about my ex husband’s relationship. I found out in the most messed up way too. We were on the rocks due to other issues, and I went to my sister’s house for the weekend in another state. Halfway through my drive home, I received a phone call that my husband tried to commit…
i’m assuming the same group of Americans who make 2 and a half men the #1 comedy
Bernie is running, he knows he won't win, but he'll be there to push the conversation to the left, which we can all be grateful for.
“Physically, it’s really not that important...but I do have a type.” OF COURSE YOU DO.
The moment of Zen last night was the same Fox pundit who said the thing about the weird marriage, but it was a flashback to when Newt was the GOP frontrunner for the nomination. He was giving Newt verbal fellatio about how great it was that he seems to be truly committed this time to his third wife.
They love traditional hetero marriage. They think that the breakdown of the family is responsible for most of society’s ills. But they also hate that this couple decided to stay married to each other despite their problems.
“I have to tell ya–eight years of one demographically symbolic president is enough”