
Just wait until the mother of all dudefights, the Republican Presidential primary debates!

MAN Bob Durst is going to have to do a LOT of murdering to silence a LOT of people as soon as he gets out of jail

My use of that phrase was in specific reference to the fact that Ron Paul, who is often heralded as the libertarian ideal, is anti-choice. I have a hard time taking someone seriously when they claim their values are rooted in the idea of personal freedom yet they would also deny bodily autonomy to women. Anti-choice

The thing is about abortion — and about a lot of things — is that I think people get tied up in all these details of, sort of, you’re this or this or that, or you’re hard and fast (on) one thing or the other

They react that way because for a lot of people life is a zero sum game. You can’t give something to someone without taking it away from someone else. It’s ridiculously idiotic but unfortunately very widespread, thank you aggressive individualistic capitalism!

This is awesome! Very well said, and she looks fucking amazing as always.

But reading the linked article about how some people find it problematic annoys me a lot.
Why do some white people always have to make it about themselves? This is basically the same as MRAs turning conversations about feminism to “men’s rights”.

Word. This is basically me IRL

Making movies making songs and FIGHTIN ROUND THE WOOOOOOORLD

On one hand, my soul mate is Moe Syzlak, and so I have no other choice but to follow his example with prank callers. On the other hand, Crowe ruined the best character in Les Mis so...

Good for you Leah Remini.

It helps to respond to the "excuse me, has anyone told you...." line with your own.

Thank you for the Seinfeld reference & sending me down the endless road of Seinfeld references & nostalgia. Take this with my gratitude.

You're tearing me apart Keemberlee!

oh hai Jezebel. I just want you to know that i love Lisa so much and i did not hiiiit her i did how's your sex life?

The sea was angry that day, my friends. Like an old man trying to send soup back at a deli.

but she doesn't want to come across as crazy, now. #notallhillbillies

You can't be expecting people to understand the definitions of the words and phrases they throw around every day.

Cruz reminds me so much and so many ways of Joe McCarthy that I cannot listen to him. Ever.