
“There will be years of recriminations in our future. Many Democrats will, as is their habit, conclude that the fault lies with the left wing of the party — that progressive party activists did not sufficiently support the candidate or that leftward attacks weakened Clinton. But that notion hides a simple fact: In an

Yup. Democrats vote for people they like; Republicans vote against people they hate. The truth is, the men and women (alike) wouldn’t have voted for Clinton in any case. Now, everyone is scrambling to say this third party vote (which is smaller than usual anyway) is bad, and third parties are bad, and the election

3) Democrats for not putting Bernie on the ticket.

why are you assuming clinton was owed those votes

Seriously though, this whole article is so badly misinformed that I don’t even know where to start, from the wrongly translated quote to the wrongly summarised intentions of this satirical movie right down to using a video clip with completely false subtitles, this whole thing is truly maddening. Now I know how Asian

This is where I wind up, too. In general, unless someone is being hurt within a relationship (physically, mentally), I don’t view it as my business how anyone decides to conduct their private life. I have no issue with open relationships in their many incarnations. But we’re not talking about that. We’re talking about

This is a very problematic topic. For example, if you have two people who both agree that they will marry but will be comfortable with some straying within some specific parameters, then hey! Go for it! I do believe that traditional marriage isn’t necessarily a one-size-fits-all thing.

Bingo - you’ve given the perfect example. I personally do not believe I could have an abortion - and I’ve BEEN in those shoes (completely unplanned pregnancy, not done with school, etc.) BUT - I will defend absolutely the right of any woman to make that decision. And if my girls (21 & 22) decided to have an abortion

A quick primer:

Yeah, that’s my understanding. This sounds about as “Wiccan” as it does “Christian” or “Jewish” or “Muslim”. If the killer actually identifies as Wiccan, he’s doing it wrong.

This sounds decidedly un-Wiccan. If someone was running around crucifying people, no one would describe the killings as “Catholic” in nature.

It seemed like in the original poll post there were quite a few people saying they regret having so many bridesmaids because they either 1) caused drama or 2) didn't help enough/didn't throw parties for them/complained about costs/etc.

actually, he is likely just as bad. Heather Mills described bad things in their divorce, and there’s rumors he brought Linda along with Wings just to control her. the only Beatle I’ve not read any domestic violence rumors about is George Harrison. I will say, Lennon owned up to his assholiry before he died. So has

He definitely WAS like that, but he cleaned up his act. Is that good enough to excuse the horrible shit he said and did when younger? No, but it’s nice to know that in his final few years he truly became the man of peace and love he is portrayed as being.

Well, there’s a big, fat wake-up call to anyone who doesn’t believe rape is a tool of war or that access to and control over one’s own reproductive care (including abortion) is a human right.

(at this point, either Hillary Clinton or Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, a self-identified socialist with a wild wisp of white hair that rises from his scalp like smoke. So: Hillary Clinton)

You’re right, people unfortunate enough to have food allergies should just be hermits and never go out anywhere ever. Right. Makes total sense.

If you projectile vomit all over a restaurant, you should ask them for a wafer-thin mint before you leave.

“She was going to be killed by this guy some day, somehow. She didn’t have to die that night.”

Females are strong as hell!