Barack & Michelle officially launched their foundation,, today!
The most disconcerting thing about the audio is that after all that vile talk where you can overhear Trump and Billy Bush talking about her boobs, they meet the woman in the purple dress and dial it down to the kind of uncomfortably flirtatious conversation that we are all familiar with, and she has no choice but to…
Well, let’s hope the children are OK and everyone else is dead.
Newest Calvin Harris track End to the Drama coming to earbuds near you
More than the apartments, I’m more annoyed by the “quirky female character who eats a lot of greasy, fatty food but maintains perfect skin and stays slim” trope. She’s not shallow like those salad eating bitches, she just LOOKS like them.
Fallon is an idiot.
TV man Jimmy Fallon had impacted molar Donald Trump on his program Thursday night, where Fallon proceeded to act…
Summer is over. The bony, trembling fingers of Fall beckon us into the darkness. But People is trying to tell me…
It’s the Tao of Jeah!
People offended by Colin Kaepernick sitting.
As far as I can tell Burning Man is just one, long ass cultural appropriation fest.
She needed the “smuggler’s protection” tattoo. How is the artist supposed to work with this kind of poor communication?
Eat Poop Love
I'm kind of glad the legacy of prince wasn't sullied by the rest of this....ugh, whatever it is.
I like Dr. Bronners but it can get a lil too **spicy** sometimes.
What about the intense war between washcloth users and non-washcloth users?