
I try not to think too much on what it says about the bacon that it only costs 20 cents.


That’s what’s truly mind boggling (one of the many things) to me as a non-American... Conservatives in Canada and the UK are about equivalent to centrist Democrats (and are often further left as most Cons here wouldn’t dream of challenging single payer healthcare or abortion rights), mainstream political power in

America doesn’t have a far left movement.

do you say he cannot win out of logic, or out of terror, friend.

Bernie is genuine, Warren is not. That is palpable, which means you can feel it. It doesn’t need to be explained. It just is.

Only the ones who vote for them, at that - they truly believe that if you didn’t vote for them, you’re not their “constituent” and hence have no voice.

Given its druthers, the GOP would just go back to White Land-Owning Male 18+ as the qualification for citizenship.

“John Roberts has made his decision; now let him enforce it.”

We already know the answer. If you’re a Republican President with enough Republicans in Congress to defeat any kind of impeachment vote, they sure as hell do.

Congressional districts are drawn on the total population, not the number of citizens. Did he misspeak, or does he just not know that? Please place your bets.”

Well, as we’ve discovered, the whole checks and balances concept is one big illusion that was basically based on the honor system and carries no real consequences if a Republican President decides to completely ignore it.

We’re about to find out 

Daisuke: America is a Dumpster fire.

Reminder: $15/hour for a job that requires you to drive every minute you’re on the clock pays $5/hour.

The Sultan there looks like he just gazed in to the future and saw what the rest of the world was planning to do to his country.

Builder Mario can also create his own crates out of midair, up to 5. They work just like regular crates. And in multiplayer, each character has their own limit, meaning you can get up to 20 crates at once.