Conway noted that “the Squad… represent a “dark underbelly in this country.”
I did assume though that the guns not allowed signs applied to everyone just like traffic laws doesn’t allow this officer to speed on the way to the IRS office
This is like—straight-up, a Chappelle’s Show sketch. Unaltered.
Oh, that’s the beauty of racism: Ya don’t need to explain nuttin’ ya just need to get away with it.
Judge to a racist: Can it be a he and white?
Lawyer to a racist: I demand one that is outside of my costs and pro bono!
Jury to a racist: They need to be all white, to be sympathetic to my stance!
Location to the racist:…
Well it would start with “A large Black Male walked in with a gun and I feared for my safety....”
The IRS is always on edge. They deal with the most insane threats out of any government authority. Some goof flew a plane into a building thinking he was getting back at the IRS. I did assume though that the guns not allowed signs applied to everyone just like traffic laws doesn’t allow this officer to speed on the…
I guess the criminalization of blackness is now complete; and every black male is a criminal, every white man a saint.
We’re reducing funding and staffing at lots of different federal agencies. The supposed goal is to reduce federal spending... but since the agencies are required by law to continue functioning, they have to hire private corporations to do the work for them. The government ends up paying more to private companies than…
It did get gun laws enacted tho - by Ronnie Reagan no less.
I know. But we can try again.
I keep trying to figure out how the security guard would even be able to explain this? With all the other horrific incidents, I could at least guess what would be the used justification, but here even that feels impossible. The only thing I could come up with is that the security guard thinks that his authority…
Black Panthers tried that. Didn’t really work out so well for them.
I’ll say it again: want to see gun reform? Have all POC exercise their 2nd amendment rights.
Because Wyatt Earp here is CHEAP and most likely doesn’t get benefits from his private security overlords.
We’re digging trenches in the dirt now just so we can lower the bar on human intelligence.
I ... I mean what the actual fuck?!