
0.5 liters of water per person and 1 cot for every 148 people. I’m sure the American Citizens of Puerto Rico will be forever grateful to FEMA for that.

Humanitarianism in American politics is dead. Politicians don’t even have to pay it lip service anymore.

Its ironic that he was bashing them for having an old electrical grid, when its an open secret about how old and susceptible to failure the electrical grid servicing the rest of the US is. I read somewhere that in order to blackout the continental US you would only have to destroy 9 critical substations. You could

He came out in a media interview a few years ago and I moseyed over to Fox to check the comments ‘cause my life is empty and schadenfreude is my oxygen.

Sky-Gandalf decides who gets Tyrannosaurusfucked based off of debt and crumbling infrastructure?

And yet, Dale Earnhardt Jr stood with the protestors today. He’s twice the man his father ever was.

I think maybe Shep can identify some prominent closeted republican figures, I think otherwise he’d have been dropped by Fox the minute he was outed unambiguously.

Shep Smith and Chris Wallace. You can tell they’re conservative, and we probably don’t agree with them on most issues, but it’s pretty obvious that they’re at least sane and rational(ish) human beings.

Don’t forget the last lap when they all stand for the true Confederate flag!

Smith is alone on an island at Fox News, he is gay, he is actually an independent thinker and holds his journalistic ethos dear.

Bade suggested that people (read: white people) generally don’t like it when another group of people “protest the national anthem.”

You’re right. I was raised in a small, white town where we did things like saying the Pledge of Allegiance, or honored God and America as though they were one entity. We either glossed over or ignored the plight of every group of people that were crushed by our glorious forefathers and refused to face up to the fact

Doesn’t hurt that most schools brainwash kids to be blindly patriotic. We said the pledge of allegiance AND sang the national anthem every morning from kindergarten through fifth grade. If you don’t have parents or teachers or peers who question the standard narrative, it’s very easy to grow up buying into it. And a

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Here’s another place that takes their flag that seriously

I would start with the body because if you knock him out he won’t feel it until later.

I work with a guy that seriously thinks African Americans should just be grateful we brought them to this country at all. I don’t even know where to start with him.

But it is so easy to be a white patriot. All you gotta do is not think about certain things, like history or morality, and not doing something is one of the easiest things to do. I don’t do most things most of the time and I don’t even try.

But here’s the rub: all the stuff you ever wanted to know about game development would be out there if not for the toxic gaming community. We *love* to talk about development, the challenges we face, the problems we solve, the shortcuts we take. But it’s almost never worth it.

I won’t let fascists and cowards steal patriotism.

The woman in that picture is not a patriot. She is a traitor. The essence of the American Revolution was about reason and The Enlightenment. It was about casting aside the fetishizing of idols and flags and the divine right of kings. These are ideals that our country has fallen far short of and still has a long way to