
No. Just a couple Alt-Right dudes being their usual worthless pieces of shit. There’s a few everywhere now. Even Star Trek is getting complaints about being progressive for fuck’s sake.

clone option for beth: yes

Nasty woman.

Dying @ Shania Law.... that stuck-up bitch, always throwing her weight around & thinking she can come on over here anytime she wants....

Shania Law: “Trump Don’t Impress Me Much”

The US has the military ability to kill every mothherfucker on the island over a short weekend.

But that’s completely different from actually deploying functional infrastructure in a failed state. And make no mistake, Puerto Rico is a failed state. Has been for over a decade.

Step 1: Waive the Jones Act.

“Why should we care about Porter Rico? It’s one of them Mexican counties we are trying to prevent Shania Law from invading our blood and soil with.”

~ Trumpster logic 101

No snark—this is absolutely horrifying. HRC is right (as ever); the military response here should be swift and overwhelming. If we have the logistical know how to invade Iraq, we sure as shit have the capacity to deploy enough troops and equipment to help 3.5 m Americans.

Cancer, I know you’re busy. But if you could take time out of your schedule and go get this dumb motherfucker, the whole world would be on your side for once.

Many of the business owners did not think the stickers were the work of Black Lives Matter, but wondered what kind of people would think it was a good idea to inflame hate and hide their hateful hands.

I have some good news, and some bad news. The bad news is that there are some racists out there trying to make BLM look bad. The good news is that they seem to have more teeth than IQ points.... and I’m guessing that the tooth count is short a few too. Not exactly a worthy foe.

I guess I’ll feel bad that it takes a terminal cancer prognosis to get these fuckheads to gain any kind of perspective on the damage they do to average Americans.

Don’t be. This is the treasonous bastard who vowed to never let Hillary Clinton fill an Supreme Court vacancy, had she won.

I really hate that we have to keep acting like this grandstanding prick is some kind of hero. He does nothing to counteract the evil shit happening on his side of the aisle, then he gets to swoop in at the last second and act like he saved the day all by his lonesome. No. You could have opposed this shit from the

“Nor could I support it without knowing how much it will cost, how it will affect insurance premiums, and how many people will be helped or hurt by it.”

I am glad he is stepping out on the no vote, and the “Alaska Purchase” of Murkowski’s vote is clearly unconstitutional so this looks to be dead in the water. But I cannot help there is all kinds of levers being pulled behind the green curtain so that the failure of passage only falls to a few of the cons that won’t

That was one of my favorite bits, what kind of asshole loses his job to a non-english speaker! LOL One that has job training in pantomime!

Assuming he’s still a Libertarian, he would be against the wall and any sort of restriction of immigration. He was pretty consistent in his stand-up routines of bashing people who were against immigration for ‘stealing’ jobs, was a big fan of access to cheap drugs, and took manipulating the system* to benefit yourself

I feel even more sorry for the people of Bisbee now knowing that they have to live near Doug Stanhope.