
Who is J0n6@|7?

“More deep answer = cleavage”

Because he’s the Michael Westin of Sakovia, so if anyone can truly show up all the “Earth’s Mightiest Heroes”, why not him?

“How is this guy better than Trump? Seriously, how?”

“I, personally, think that Star Wars: The Force Awakens was a boring and unoriginal film: should that mean I have the legal right to make my own?”

“In the film, time is a closed loop. In the series it isn’t.”

Given that they were riffing from the same source material, I figure either a direct reference or just the incidental bump can both make sense.

Oh yeah, they were pretty neat. Accomplished Perfect Physician and all the rest.

What could be really, really interesting for someone who’s familiar with the Chinese military and political sphere would be to do a series with some Squadron Supreme style pastiches of hero tropes, all thrown into a Party-centric atmosphere. I actually though it might even be interesting to have a contrast of that

Oh, shit, maybe we’ve got a next-door Type 3 Neighbor. Guys, shh... do not awaken the galactic hyperciv!

And a world without Archer would be like a Ballocaust.

So 8stax?

That implies that the Clintons aren’t right wing, though. Frankly, the totality of the Clinton careers seems they’re slowly left-drifting socially, but have entirely pushed rightward from the days of Hillarycare fiscally. That they sold out for private prisons isn’t surprising, and just shows that the Establish Dems

Other way around. If the movies are now newer, grittier Earth 1 stories, and Flarrow-verse is the more traditional fluffier Earth 2 stuff, then they MIGHT be setting themselves up for Gustin-Flash meeting whoever-in-the-films-Flash, which would be cool... if Flash didn’t already do all that internally. :v

But remember that Foggy’s line to Matt is a perfect echo of how he acted in regard to Stick’s War. And Matt got to end up somehow wrong on both ends because for someone with super senses, he is still terrible at reading the lay of the land.

The vibe I got was a combination of her as Evil Dalai Lama with her whole angle there as Black Sky being that given a group that indulges her inner murder-lust, she’d quickly turn into a nigh-unstoppable kill beast who would threaten the world. Daredevil’s been very careful in staying grounded, so I suspect it’ll only

Or he’s broken out for some reason or another...

I don’t see that as an issue, because it seems like he left Hell because he was already well on that road beforehand. All this shift has been so far is honing his boredom and melancholy into a more altruistic end, with his own penchant for vengeful justice shining through.

“It’s not to say Planet Hulk is bad. It’s not! At all! But turning the Hulk into a space gladiator who becomes king of a planet isn’t really a Hulk story. It turns the Green Goliath into a cross between John Carter and Conan the Barbarian; it doesn’t say anything or teach us about the Hulk itself. He never even