
Yup. My friend and I are speculating a possible Martian Manhunter or some other psychic character reaching out to herald the incoming threat.

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Wait? Other people who are okay with the overall thrust of the story?

It is fantastic to see Marvel Comics reaching out to the fast-growing Latíncrow community.

I actually found it was free on iTunes, but that might have been a short term deal. Double check?

Tell that to PN-CSHN he left in the ruins before the MP called him out.

I’d posit that might be better evidence for Rey as a younger cousin. When Luke went off in frustration and despair over the failure with the future Knights of Ren, he had to hide his daughter as he figured she would not be safe with him. That Han and Leia might have some recollection of her still makes sense, and it

Don’t worry, it’s just a trash compactor nap.

She reaching out to the TV execs, y’know... just with her usual results.

I thought you were supposed to use manual. Some car guy! :v

Hell, it could be found far from now that the real reason we’re so alone in the galaxy comes from us being the lucky bastards with three planets that hosted life at various times in the ancient past - that leap in protection from planetary wipeout events compared to one or two host systems could end up being a

Considering the old anti-rumor wording from on high specifically called out crossovers “on sibling networks”, a one-sided bleed-in could make the former statement still true while having the crossover happen on their network only.

Chicago to NYC? Off-hand guess, it’s someone who’s doing high-volume automated trading, and shaving milliseconds off packets to the commodities market in Chicago from NYC can be incredibly valuable in such a case.

Someone really ought to jump to it with some superfluous rolls and wallhops.

Good news, fellow Transgalactic Enclave members, the subjects have not begun to suspect our presence. The observation and judgement can continue free of influence.

The last four episodes were really good. Its cardinal sin was in underestimating its audience and needing to spend many episodes plodding through the “What? Powers? How does this even work?” phase - once they got more settled into accepting that they could do unusual things, the stories started getting a lot more

Two shows stand out for me here...

Seconded. It was so interesting, and they’d started putting some real hooks into it, but alas...

Yup. Her super stabby mode reaction on Earth really doesn’t make much sense given she was barely stalked and never seemed to be at all threatened in her sleep. So that just seems weird now. Otherwise, though, it was a really cool side story.

The ISS experiences effective weightlessness because it’s in a stable orbital pattern where the downward acceleration from Earth’s gravitational field is cancelled by the rotational force put onto the station when it brought into orbit. Since everything in the station or any vehicles approaching it are accelerated the