
That’s all well and good, but this could well counter Fermi’s Paradox. We’re not some middling whomever buried in a sea of precursors mowing through the galaxy with Von Neumann probes - WE ARE THE PRECURSORS!

She’s had a history of costumes ranging from full cheesecake to bad. Could be an interesting running gag for a few episodes.

Meanwhile, what I’ve seen suggests a large number of the ‘problems’ from MoS are in fact hooks for the bigger story arc. It’s almost like letting the reprecussions from Superman’s first time at the rodeo could make for interesting storytelling in a way we still really haven’t seen from the comic movies.

Inhumans, Mutants, Gen-Active, Evos, only one can the be true misunderstood offshoot of humanity. Welcome to the Network Secret Wars!

To be fair, it makes more sense to start with something with some relative clout, but man... it would be a perfect fit, no? Hell, it even works amazingly well in the Berlanti-verse. Cisco and Grunge BFFs, Lynch-Diggle “Battle for the Most Badass John”.

Oh, God, Heroes Reborn was right! D:

I defy someone to tell me Gen 13 isn’t like CW platinum waiting to happen if it’s done right. Widlstorm is DC, and they could either just tie the back story to ARGUS or have it part of one of the new 52 portals to alternate Earths from Central City.

Yup. I think it’s safe to say that’s the end game more or less already. With the Avataress to protect the atmosphere while the Solar Flayer gets his outer space soak on.

While this is true, I really liked the period where they had Sylar as essentially the Vegeta of the show, carving a way into the light. It was actually really interesting, and the collapse of that was about where the show really just went off the deep end in Season 3. Bringing him back so soon while utterly failing to

What would be really interesting to me is to see the divergence of The Continued Adventures of Mad Max and a story of Furiosa and her people becoming the beacon in the wasteland, with all the struggles and triumphs that entails. On the Max side, you get more of the same-but-different stories of his stumbling into new

Sad but true.

Basically the last few episodes of the first season, they decided to take the training wheels off and just push headlong into crazy. And it’s working.

You mean “Almost Season”? :v

Jon Targaryen-Stark, a hyphen forged with Valerian steel.

Yup. A big point of the Moviebob video is that the superhero ‘genre’ is not nearly the same sort of genre as westerns. Superhero stories are a metagenre, with plenty of room for different sorts of stories, and for all the films made so far, we’ve only started to push out from the X-Men/Avengers/Batman standards.

Who’s going to save this franchise? You are! You are!

Everyone should own a naginta!

I think the fear here is that some states are expected to veer off into the excessive uselessness seen with some of the “abstinence only” options in use, where information is deliberately misconstrued to creative a narrative that is religiously comforting but secularly useless. Some level of enforced standardization

And that is a much worse card to balance. Firstly, it means either the card is calculating from the cards that were in the deck at any point in the game, at the beginning of the game, or in the deck currently. The last of those is the most painful, since it means later draws can possibly be worthless. But in all three

...except the movie addressed why, for that story in particular, none of that would make sense. Clark Kent was just coming to terms with the implications of his power. Whether or not this Birthright-like story was the best route to take, it decidedly sets up that the Superman the audience knows will come out in some