
There’s a part of me that almost wants the DC tentpole enterprise to falter because it sounded like at one time they were going to try to go with a smaller budget, more carefully curated set of movies that might peel more from the Arrow-verse DCU. Berlanti and the development teams there have been doing pretty well at

Hey! We don’t let facts get in the way of a daily Man of Steel hate minute! :P

“The problem in Man of Steel wasn’t that killed Zod, it’s that the film never brings up his no-kill rule (which means the audience isn’t aware of why this makes him upset)...”

Yes. It’s a sort of story that tempers what he does well while reining in the Millar excesses - there’s a reason it’s such a lauded story, and it’s not just the the Bat Hat with Ear Warmers.

Kinda. But that’s just it - fire as Kryptonie either comes off too readily and cheaply, thus negating the point of being powerful in the first place, or he can abuse his incredible power set to rarely need to face real threat from it, thus obviating the point of the weakess narratively. It becomes a fine eye of the

To be fair, MM is simultaneously substantially more powerful than Superman, and having fire as a weakness is just going to be problematic.

Because almost every complaint about “political correctness” is actually someone just kvetching over being made to feel bad over an opinion they carry. Seriously, that’s it. “I have to feel shame over saying nigger? Gawddamned PC patrol assholes ruining things for real Americans like me!”

This isn’t indicative of his usual work - this is one of those outliers where something is so bad he can only vent to maintain some sembalance of sanity. It’s not a particularly great review, but it’s hilarious, and it contrasts with his usual work that tends to be more “in the weeds”.

When Hairy Met Logie?

The Correct Answers™:

On one hand, I have nothing specific agaist GMO foodstuffs, so I don’t support mandatory labelling. On the other, lol state’s rights lol. Good old fashioned right wing big government overreach. :v

Whatever. I remember the Thanos reveal in Avengers. That was like 20% “OMG” and 80 “huh?”, so it’s not like it’d be new to the MCU.

Done right, I think it would be a perfect opener to the post-Thanos MCU. Have the end teaser after all the heroes have gone AWOL to fight him, and then there’s some supercrime. “Who can save us now?” the innocents ask, only to have a new masked hero show up, whoop some ass, and say, “No need to fear, the Thunderbolts

“That being said, it’s equally retarded to believe that composite rocks (or radiation dating for that matter) somehow refute or disprove creationism.”

Yup, this movie really looks like it’s cutting close to that, and I really liked Assault on Arkham, so I’m all for it. I think the trick that most people are missing is that if it’s using AoA as a template, then the Joker’s not part of the Squad, but a rogue element where it makes a lot more sense that Batman would be

Of course. Because we all know how often we have confused the delicious wheat jigaboos and fresh baked wetbacks from the local bakery with those awful, obscure racial terms.

“I keep hoping the tea-bagger phenomenon will burn itself out.”

/b/ is just the combination of some of the top subs and the more scummy ones mashed together. It’s really become its own thing separate of the rest of the boards.

More or less! The upvote model is a mixed bag. It makes it easier for popular subs to become circlejerks or echo chambers, but it also tends to mean lest sifting through chaff for interesting talk in the mid-size subs. 4chan can have some amazing conversations in the niche boards, and some like /tg/ have had legit

Their tagline: Separate, but Equitable.