
Nicol Bolas and Karn at least, and they even did the Narset as creature and planeswalker across the Tarkir block. These are the first ‘flip’ planeswalkers, though, who actually show the awakening event in game mechanical terms.

“If people can’t fly the Confederate flag, then the only flag that should be allowed to be flown is the Stars and Stripes. No state flags, no lgbt rainbow flags, just our nation’s flag.”

He looks like the villain Transmetropolis deserves. :v

Don’t worry, text-based adventure games, someday you’ll get ye flask.

Shit, who do I pay to make a coastal line? I’d love to be able to get something that catches SF, SJ, Monterey, SLO, LA, and SD...

Then again, I got to CA ~24 years ago and there was a bad drought then too.

Wait... are you saying a foreign invader with an unmatchable air presence liberating locals from themselves would lead to a mangled bureaucratic mess? Quit beating around the Bush!

At least it’s not ‘kinds’. :v

That’s the most wonderful irony of the Christian faith, in my experience: so many Christians can be incredibly critical about how bad people are, and how a lack of God means a lack of real punishment... while the entire sales pitch of Christianity is that any* sin is potentially forgivable by God through Jesus, so

That’s for next season, frankly. They’ve set her up to be more aware of what’s going on around her, and so she’s likely to take on a more active role, especially if Kingpin’s out of the action for a while.

Specifically, the issue is Supergirl presumes Superman has been around. Per the Arrowverse, there were no signs of any powered people existing before the STAR Labs accident, with Mirakuru and Lazarus Pit stuff being the only examples, and both well hidden from history. Legends of Tomorrow and Flash provide means of

Apparently this was a specific part of Berlanti’s contract with the Supergirl show. So there’s a total possibility of some crossover, though the SG show’s heavy suggestions of a Superman character vs. the lack of powered people in the Arrowverse suggests a many worlds crossover rather than being in the same timeline.

Hey, how dare you besmirch the greatest con of all time? Ocean’s League is a triumph!


“...but if time travel is involved, why can’t this guy have gone back and gotten her before her death?”

Hey, it’s not the department’s fault all black citizens look the same to the precog! They need to change their culture to be more amenable to white thought analysis. Something something telekinesis their own bootstraps.

Tom Hardy - CHECKMATE? That could be an interesting foil to Agents of SHIELD with its own distinct attitude.

It’s the lion’s vinegar strokes. I saw into its soul, man... not good.

Yeah. I could even see that as being a perfect stinger at the end of the Avengers 3B film:

Except the whole Kardashev scale idea is merely a measurement, a roughly super-logarithmic indication of a civilization’s access to power relative to its environment. The implications are speculative, for sure, but the scale itself is just a convenient shorthand.