
I’m actually hoping Civil War is sneaking in the ability to smuggle in a Thunderbolts movie as part of the fallout from the Avengers finale.

Damn. I’ve wanted to see a Ruffalo Hulk film for a while now, but that makes me need it. I could totally see a “The Grey” style film with Banner struggling with survival on the fringes, primarily a story of him wrestling with the Hulk internally, trying to come to terms with the claim of his own body and mind.

Clearly this anti-diamond sentiment is a part of the ongoing mission of the SS DeBeers to keep diamonds artificially scarce. We must break their blockade!

To be fair, I think you have to look at that show as basically being forced to prime an audience of mostly comics-unaware viewers into basically accepting the Fantastic Four. The back half of the season, and especially the final ~6 episodes showed they knew what was up. They built up slowly, letting viewers not ready

I’m still on the lonely hype train that they let the shows have a Justice Society vs. the movies’ League. Earth 1 - Earth 2 crossover!

She’s having the Laurel problem - it’s clear they have a place they want her to be, but they forgot to make sure that the character has an interesting path to get there. They’ve had like five different arcs with her, two of which could have been really interesting if they’d just stuck with it rather than flinging her

The cardinal sin of the movie is trying to cram a whole season’s worth of story into a single film, and then poorly at that. The child actors were shaky in the quality of their performances, and it felt like there was just a list of events they were trying to hit.

And what it takes away from Coulson it adds to Fury’s ruthlessness - he was quite intent to manufacture a fiction that Coulson was dead and gone while getting him back for purposes.

Okay, so you don’t like comics. Cool.

The error I see here is that there’s no sign they’re going for Red Son-esque SuperGod. Rather, my prediction is that the movie is going to start with a deep divide among the people who think Superman is a total hero after the salvation of Metropolis (and presumably other stuff thereafter), and a bunch who either blame

Star fuel can't melt Imperial beams! #DarthConspiracy

My cautious optimism for this movie has gotten more optimistic but significantly more cautious. This feels like the sort of "consequences to actions" from Man of Steel that I hope can encapsulate the idea that MoS was a first time at the rodeo experience for Superman that gives him room to grow as a character. The

The lowercase ‘a’ team?

"So I'm calling it right now — they're not going to be able to stop the plague."

Do differently sized atoms contain different flavors of nut or worm? Corvid scientists need to know!

So they’ve started a Steaming Mad Workshop? Genius, I say!

Cartoonish villains going to truly stupid ends just to live up to their reputations? Come now, that's unfair.

Sagittarius Starwalker Dark Label - Weakly Interacting with Everything But Flavor.

In fact, that could be even more valuable than if the life forms we found elsewhere in the Solar System were offshoots of our most distant ancestors rather than entirely new. The obvious downside is we still have a "life starting points" sample size of ~1, but we would potentially learn a lot if the cells that

I am reminded of how some animals have ended up being tricked by other creatures developing ways to hijack the biological short forms they use to determine fitness/attractiveness. We have a bunch of deep-seated triggers in our minds, and we've gotten really good at finding ways to trigger them above and beyond what