
To be fair, the suit has the ATOM acronym. He's just Ray Palmer for now.

It's a prequel. A secret documentary of the long lost age before the Emperor cleared the galaxy for Mankind.

Yup. I don’t care about anything else. If he’s back, I’m watching. Just needs some glasses. :v

On multiple levels, yes. The sets themselves are all based around a plane, and typically some sort of plot within that plane. For example, the Dragons of Tarkir set shows the world of Tarkir run by powerful dragons and the humanoid races that serve, each dragonlord emphasizing an aspect of dragonkind’s strength. The

Coming soon to Thinkgeek. Or

It's an actual (and greatest) Luke Cage comic from long ago. A two parter, in fact!

It's like the glory age of '80s action films with modern special effects capabilities. Wonderful.

The point when Oliver runs for mayor.

Actually, it seems even worse than that. A lot of the characters that worked which he created didn't really get big until others fixed the formulas. In many ways, Stan Lee gets outsized credit for being there right in a transformative period, and I think his later works show that he's not really all that great a

Right side of the center. Sorry.

I didn't realize SWORD worked from the Caprica.

I recall him saying that basically he's been dinged enough by developers that he can't monetize his videos with ads on YouTube any more, hence his push for Patreon.

And conversely if you happen to monopolize a number that rolls really hot, you can just get a supreme advantage that is tough to match - I had one game of Seafarers with a 5 streak that was just obnoxious, especially when one of the gold spaces (wild card) was a 5 as well. Stuff like that makes the roll deck option a

"A white t-shirt is a white t-shirt"

So the white ruined things for everyone down south?

I'm sure we can cast Wesley Snipes with the breakout star Left Shark for this.

What killed Signs for me wasn't really showing the aliens, really. It was much more that the aliens made absolutely no sense.

"By your logic, almost anything that inspires debate could be self-spreading."

My wild flight of fantasy is that they save the Justice League for the movies, and let the TV 'verse get the Justice Society. Then we can have that Earth 2 crossover.

"Now that there are regulations in place by the government can't company "A" lobby with lawmaker "B" to create regulation "C" which could put things right back in the same place they are now? All they would be doing is circumventing their initial actions while having this veil of a government backed regulation to