
It is being produced by Berlanti. Stealing from Wikipedia:

What? Should I have said Paint Shop Pro boxes? :v

Pretty sure it's a stack of old Photoshop boxes.

Rage boner?

If you used citations as much as you do all caps, we'd ALL be ABLE to SEE this "ARTICLE" you mention.

Honestly, what's had a bigger effect on the fighting game genre is the divide between the casual "button masher" player and the technical proficiency needed to play at a more competitive level. As the learning curve rises just to reach a baseline competency, the fanbase has evaporated. The relative simplicity of the

Hey, now. We all know facts have a horribly liberal bias. Technology is conveniently neutral, so we can talk about that. But this Gizmodo, and BrandonT knows what we're not allowed to mention.

In fact, they did the exact opposite of a killing! Karmic balance?

Can we make a spider scale for danger? A black widow is 1 Romanova, while a Black Widow is 1 Natasha Romanova.

Who Tang Clan ain't nothin' to cluck wit'.

I, too, remember the time the American government fell to the resistance of Eric Frein. Oh, wait, no, he avoided capture for over a month. Evading arrest for a crime he was alleged to commit, and his evasion was more a matter of knowing the difficult terrain more than his guns being a real threat.

This post is like a free ride, but I'm already there.

All medicine, and all treatments, cures, etc. do the exact same thing. We've decided that sabotaging natural selection might not be so bad when the alternative is having to medicate or treat more living, functional humans than leaving people to die for things we can prevent or alleviate.

Because a few deluded shitsacks lonely true patriots and their sidearms can righteously stand up against the legitimate democratic authority jackbooted super force with its various technologies and somehow kill-happy soldiers with capabilities leaps and bounds above those of any regular civilians.

It's the power of the bubbleverse. So many people live in insular communities online and off that they can forget that the rest of the world doesn't naturally fall in line with their beliefs, and so it's easy to just let out things into your bubble that can happen to permeate it and get you in trouble.

Yeah, that's what the livestock is for! D:

This is what I'm hoping they're clever enough to figure out - DC can totally have their movies and shows separated by a wall, and let the two Flash characters show they're actually separate cinematic universes. That could be amazeballs if done right.

Pretty confident it's entirely intentional. Her whole fighting style is just "High Octane Flailing" anyhow, so the pole being just about too much for her to start is perfectly fitting with that. She wins mostly through sheer audacity.

Should... should we tell you about the Postal Apocalypse?