
So remember kids, stay in school, say no to anti-vaxxers, and take yo boosta shots!

Sherrif Arpayo says the tsunami is just god wiping away the gays and immigrants once and for all. Praise wet Jesus!

Don't worry, I'm with you in the lonely fight against Big Flora. Carni-bros for life!

"A) We do not know that Janet is dead. What we know from the official synopsis was that ther was an accident implicating Pym's wife. Now, not only does accident doesn't mean necessarily death but Comic!Pym had a wife that died before he met Janet, so the synopsis might be alluding to her."

Perhaps, but that way lies the dark side of Force. And we're not taking no Sith here.

I can only hope that if the show goes on for a while, it gets one of those shifts in staff that fixes the technical buffoonery. I'd like to like the show, but it's so hard...

"It's a show about geniuses written by non geniuses." This. I watched the premiere with curiosity, and even stuck through a couple more episodes. It suffers tremendously from the idea that you're supposed to watch these super smart people outthink the big problems, but the writers barely get what they're going for.

"They are this close to creating their own workable Justice League sans The Big Three."

If this works for LoL, I can imagine them going AWS with it, and offering access to their custom pipeline for other games and similar low-latency demanding services.

Their own intranet (extranet?) =/= the Internet, but tag noted.

There are actually a bunch of hints that suggest there's gonna be a nasty dive into some super-tech box by the end of the film, but I agree on the main drag here.

Do you want to get hired?

You know what show I think really plays with this concept well?

It suffered from having to compare against Sherlock, and because its nature as a somewhat more traditional serial show really makes it easy to look down upon on the concept alone. It really grew into a pretty great story in its own right over the first season, and I think it would have honestly gotten to about Arrow

Ah... Begun, the Clothes Wars have.

The finale was a pair of cliffhangers. We basically got a 6 episode pilot, a'la BSG. With the Galt trip and the reestablishment of the helm of the Ascension project inside and out, we have the pieces in place for a longer story, since there's no good story to close this all with a part 4 alone.

Nope, sorry. It's Ascension -> Event Horizon -> Warhammer 40K. The Emperor will arise!

Unintentional comedy and pure bluster.

Why not, though? The Bible doesn't much bother to cover Jesus between his childhood and near the end of his life - maybe Man of God would show Jesus screwing up a bit with his healing powers until he dealt with Satan in human form?

Given how cheesy and great the past few have been, I think I could be okay with 2 Star 2 Trek.