
"Hey, mistuh Timbuhlake. I got you something. I wanted to bwing sexy back to you."

With roughly 3 billion years, some basic organic chemicals were created through currently unidentified means, coalesced into a self-replicating package, and reformed itself potentially trillions of times over, sometimes imperfectly. Over time, these imperfect copies differentiated, and that gets us to about 1 billion

I second this, except I think we'll see Eddie become Reverse Flash as a season ending big event, most likely as part of trying to recreate the events around Barry getting the Flash powers. Wells is Professor Zoom, and likely is in the 2014 era to fix a crisis in 2024 which threatens the future. Given his grab for the

It's rough to see Games Workshop's price increases affecting stuff like this, but I guess building the Space Marines battalion they needed just ate up too much budget. :(

You are not alone. Justice, like lightning!

Maybe a bit. I am more frustrated by how it looked like the TV 'verse was actively being used to create a lower budget Suicide Squad for part of those lower investment films they wanted to make. Manu Bennett deserves a Deathstroke film, the core of Arrow's Suicide Squad was solid, and now I'm not getting my damn Team

Damn it. I can even hear the banter between Quinn-shot and Stormy Boomerangs in my head. Like maybe a costume party gone awry:

The show so good it backwashed ideas into the comics from which it was sourced. Game changer, indeed.

Sounds like it. It's a vaguely clever idea and just uncommon enough that it probably tends to get a free ride. If you expand it out to things like magical items with personalities, it is probably a fairly old trope, perhaps even a classic.


Take some old Nokia and/or Motorola phones and create a monument from them. It will survive the death of the sun, easily, never mind anything the mere Earth could do to it.

Yeah, this snow is just a cover-up of the real threats. Obama and ISIS are using the storm to bring Sharia law to our abortion clinics. Wait...

I've legitimately been thrown off once by a crouching sniper spray. More often by inconveniently placed huntsman ragdolls on walls so it looks like there's totally someone active there.

If only they could have verified that date... ON THE INTERNET!

Tomorrow People suffered from trying do a "same but different" remake of the old show. It wasn't horrible, but it was all over the place, whereas Push presented a concept that was broader (you didn't have to have everyone with the same power set) and toned down.

Push was so perfectly set up to be basically what Arrow and Flash are now - super-compelling CW drama series. It's unfortunate a whole unique supers world is left out there untapped.

Same idea, but they "love America", so we pile the hate on the President instead. It's cathartic.

I am reminded of a similar sort of thing that comes up with people who are into historical war gaming, where it can be challenging to appreciate things like German military strategy in WWII without idolizing the Nazi philosophy. I think it's very much possible to appreciate her story as an individual while

The beauty of converting the GOP into a party whose foundation is "corporations can do no wrong" has been the best ROI for anyone ever. I'm not even mad politicians can be bought off in the US; I just wish they weren't such fucking cheap whores.