
Net neutrality HAS BEEN GREAT. The rule has been in place, and has allowed the Internet to become the juggernaut of social and economic prowess it is now. The issue is ISPs trying to defy the current agreement because their cable franchises are beginning to collapse under the weight of forces like Netflix, iTunes,

I actually think both sides you mention have actually been at best a poisoned feast as far as pushing any sorts of conversations forward can go. The Gamergate movement is stupid in my mind because it has basically let an anti-feminist screed overwhelm the bigger, more boring conversations about the relationship

Is has been said that we must live in the best of all possible universes. There is some alternate reality where Avengers: EMH and Young Justice got third seasons. The old philosophers are clearly wrong.

Are Little People getting shorter? D:

Lead protects against Government radiation used to interact with the fluoride in the water to make welfare voters. Your only protection against the liberal New World Order hobbit home Illuminazis is to load up on leaded paint, leaded gasoline, and asbestos. Let the silvery cloud of freedom rise!

My spoilerific idea?

For a while. Some iterations, including most modern ones, posit that Superman's power is based on solar charging. And so if he is left using his powers too much without sunlight, he will weaken.

"This just in: George RR Martin signed on to helm Phase 4. There were no survivors."

The difference is that $100 billion dollars in graft to military contractors is fine because WE CAN NEVER NOT SPEND TOO MUCH FOR DA TROOPS! while $10K to scientists is all part of the liberal Big Science juggernaut trying to slay god and make everyone gay hippies. Or something.

What do they call a skipped Friday in the UK?

Yes, but he is on the upward slope, as low a grade as it is, while she's coming down nice and swift from the moral high ground.

On Thea, that would seem to be the idea. I adore how they have Oliver trying to be more honest with her as she's started lying like a fiend to him in return. The hypocrisy is real, and Thea will descend deeper into the darkness before she can fly right.

The concern is that the anthropic principle rubs wrong against another principle we tend to go by, which is the notion that we are not atypical of the universe at large. The increased discovery of planets around other stars calmed down a former issue in this regard about why our solar system seemed to be such an

And conservatives are overly sensitive bigots who fear everyone else is out to get them for reasons. These are exactly what the article claims! We did it!

"Ransom makes me want to do the opposite."

Prescott Pharmaceuticals is proud to present Vaxared! The pill, for men!

He's Malcolm Merlyn and referred to as the Black Archer or Black Arrow in the show so far by others.

More likely they'll differentiate him from the Black Arrow when that throwdown comes again.

True enough, though I find that more than a little hilarious when some of them try to do the whole "were you there?" BS while their entire religious definition is reliant upon the same thing. "Oh, but magic protects the words we rely on." The only thing worse than a fundamentalist is the presuppositionalist - "You

Was the NNY Sewer episode one of his? I recall a couple there that was -odd- but fit that mold.