
Frankly, there are two differences between Gamergate and something like Muslims, Christians, or even feminists: size and breadth.

Once upon a time, there was Geocities. Full of non-transparent GIFs and poorly laid out table HTML. This and .edu server spaces were the home of the nerdy. Assuming you weren't still on the BBSes. Oh, dialup...

The problem is more along the lines that since they claim the Bible must be taken literally all the time*, anything that would challenge the 6-10K year history of everything it supposes must be blasted away. Evolutionary Theory still works in an Old Earth creation model just fine - God's hand is the soft touch of

These goats are a smokescreen from Benghazi! What did the CIA know about their shrinkage!? D:

This would be the best plot twist of all time.

The latter, and the movie literally said something about particulates in the Kryptonian atmospheric generator were the cause of Superman's weakness. So talk to Goyer.

"Wtf do consetvatves have against science?"

The sooner the creators and fans realize the show they've managed to create really needs to be "Gotham: Rise of the Penguin", the better off everyone will be. I want to see Cobblepot turn into the underground kingpin of Gotham so bad now.

The sooner Gotham stops being "Batman, The Early Years" and embraces that it's best as "The Rise of the Penguin", the faster it will embrace greatness. Gordon and Bullock are fun, but Cobblepott is just the best part of the whole thing. I want to see him become a kingpin of Gotham.

Given that DC is the OG of multiverse shenanigans, they could easily open themselves up to a movie/TV-verse crossover a'la Earth 1 & 2.

It's like global goalpost shifting with that crowd.

Don't worry, they'll be on this like white on rice with misinterpretations galore!

I disagree, though the logic for a Civil War sort of story has to take a different tack - one I believe has begun to be laid out in Agents of SHIELD.

Okay. So a guy claims something, and what little evidence could be connected with his claim was almost immediately debunked? And the Pro-Health side of this debate is the 'blue pill' side? Okay.


What are you talking about? There are extreme leftists who feel that it's not a moral umbrage to tax the wealthy. We totally have people who support pretending to regulate industries while enforcing rules that entrench the winners of the last generation.

But they already have that. The pilot already has Gotham in the middle of a slow crawl into the muck. All the better if the city gets to take in one deep breath of uncorrupted air before it's shoved fully into the mire.

Two words - Power Vacuum.

Oh shit, it's mutating!

Those sound like something I'd like.