
"Because complexity isn't necessarily better. Neither is intelligence."

"Let them explain upright, big-brained humans going hundreds of thousands of years grunting in caves rather than building cities or inventing technology."

What does the Copenhagen interpretation say about the superposition of the Angelic Host upon the tip? Does observation break them into types? We need answers here.

Indeed. The moment they dropped that in the Arrow introduction, I already knew they were on the right track.

But it's not even that hard to explain. Each empty cell fills if there are exactly three live neighbors, and living cells die if they don't have two or three neighbors. Easy!

Haven't you read his scariest book about the possessed margerine, Crisco?

Not all views!

Now playing

They did the perfect job in my mind for the first reveal for the sequel... that speech about moving to 22 Jump Street.

Hey! Not all butts! D:

Sure. Before, he was an industry insider lobbying the government to give the big ISPs what they want. Now, he's a top government official who is receptively lobbied by the industry he watches over and worked for. You know, good governance.

If only there was money in not building this sort of shit.

How about near-future scifi that focuses on a core of verisimilitude? I call it "Future Real".

That's the most Rick answer yet.

"Archers were bastards! They naturally came from the lower ranks of society, knights rode horses & fought 'honourably' while arrows weren't regarded as such."

"Why would she assume that bombing a city indiscriminately will take out all fifty guys who can put their fists through concrete?"

"People do seem to be disagreeing on the Green Lantern. Maybe I just wanted a longer time for him to play around with the ring on Earth before he went off to a whole different planet and learned about the problems there."

The freedom of speech, maybe? I should be allowed to silence myself without taxation!

Would they Linkin Park to do a dour-rock-ified version of the opening theme song?

It's because everyone seems to forget that the idea of an origin story is that you're seeing a character become what we're more familiar with. The idea of him or Pa or anyone not fitting perfectly into the mold of decades of prior storytelling right off the bat seemed to be spectacularly upsetting where it doesn't