
Yeah, that's almost always one of the two big delay issues. Production is never as smooth as people expect, and add-ons / stretch goals add more time to the back end than is planned. It's almost hilarious to me when people get mad over a 30 day delay. It's adorable.

"Even the "good" projects seem to arrive years late."

Well, I know there's a salary for working on those 'toy' phones all day. I gets mine.

Oh lawdie, a mobile hipster.

Well, of course. They're clearly suffering from mental issues that make them morally inferior, whereas any misunderstanding I might have to admit to is clearly due to poor communication from the alleged sources. That's fundamental.

"I take exception, though, to any implication that resistance to new ideas is only natural in people who are "anti-science". All adults have some resistance to new ideas."

No, because I am a superior person whose faults are clearly due to external concerns, as anyone ought to understand. It's just so sad the failings of others have to be due to their own moral failings. It must suck being such an inferior person all the time. :(

How could Superman let Legopolis melt around him as he fought General Duplo? NOT M SUPERMAN! D:<

First, I didn't equate anyone with the "un-PC" group. There are a bunch of people on the left who are against most of the PC movement, as well, but thanks for letting us know your leaning. Liberals, as a whole, are generally more concerned with notions of equality. There are many individuals on the left who overly

But "un-PC" people do that too, all the time. The power of the freedom of speech is that you aren't legally prevented from saying most things, but you are not entitled to avoid the (legal) repercussions of your speech from others. Say some stupid, hateful shit, and why should others have to put up with you? Why do you

I think it was more a matter of attitude than age. Mr. Fantastic didn't feel like the sort of know-it-all super scientist that he's meant to be. One of the big things that made the first film hurt was that it didn't feel like Doom and Reed were really playing off each other, and there was a lot of room in the sequel

"Totally agreed. Tv shows usually don't want to write off characters like this, and it sucks for the actor, but I don't think you can redeem Ward."

Except various believers feel their faith's proclamations must extend to and supersede other fields. Science only gives a particular shit about any religion when it stumbles in and writes a bunch of checks its ass can't cash.

Paragraph 3? I'm admittedly biased, because the Cosmological Argument in the various permutations he's presented are all incredibly facile and lame, but it's addressed.

Wow... do you guys remember before we had time travel verification to make sure we never got predictions wrong again (barring timeline conflicts)? We were such idiots.

But they're not Blondie MacSister, and those rapes were clearly intended in the books. Ergo, totally copacetic.

Me too. I kept thinking, "Shit, do it! No more chances! Fury would have fired, man!"

30, but specifics never need to get in the way of a good pun.

I guess she got Logan's Run through?

Maybe, but this episode basically sets up Sara for the "go out with a bang" suicide dance. I have a feeling she's either going to end up taking out Slade in the most painful of trades, or get gacked as the climax of the finale, leading Ollie to make one of those painful moral choices with Slade. I'd presume the latter