
When you consider the lifestyle of these people, doing whatever it takes with the dregs of society to make a fast buck, selling their bodies and souls for the all mighty dollar, that the least these sleazy bankers could do is try and keep from dragging adult entertainers down to their level. Go find a credit union,

Nah, I'd accept that. Fury would have probably been right on that the second Ward went, "I'm an AGENT." I thought it was working just fine, it just needs a correctly paranoid operator to avoid being bluffed out.

I dunno. I think Cersei Lannister is doing quite for herself in the future, all things considered.

"Hey, little brother, eat shit! Please, you're not well. For your health, eat a little of my shit, okay? If not for you, then for your family..."

Simple answer: human intuition is utter shit when confronting the weirdness of the world around us. I know a large factor with many people over accepting evolution is the lack of appreciation of long odds over massive expanses of space and time, and the Big Bang and the entire concept of quantum mechanics are

The climate goes in cycles. Human society is pretty much built upon the exploitation of a relatively static climate. Even if the changes occurring are utterly natural and have nothing to do with the actions of mankind, this is still potentially an existential crisis looming for our species.

Capitalism is like communism. They both sound amazing on paper until you realize some people can be utter twats. In reality, both economic systems have clear strengths and weaknesses, and understanding where to apply elements of either to different situations is the better solution for all involved.

Basically, though think about how much legal and other frameworks rely upon an essential "you"-ness. In the RPG Eclipse Phase, they make it a pretty major point that in this post-scarcity age, where people and uplifted animals can potential switch bodies like outfits and persons can be backed up like your homework

Screw that, California needs water now! Africa can get on the waiting list.

Our farms need Brawndo. It's got electrolytes.

So an Ovinegator? That's a good Decepticon name.

"I am Robfordus of Borg". Borg Queen NOPE'd the hello oot.

The Representative for Xanadu's district may only be elected every 2 years, but he has to serve for 200 in the outside world.

"...whereas Metropolis seems to get entirely rebuilt in a matter of months."

I haven't seen a female anything pull out something halfway through an encounter this big and shocking since M Butterfly.

The USB stick from his lair - he has to be forked onto it. I refuse to accept he isn't going to pull a Transcendence on us.

That's the core of the issue with most bullying advice - bullies run a gamut of reasons for what and why they act out. There are some cases in this advice where this mostly correct. But my experience says they're a distinct minority, and many of these would worsen the very sorts of bullying we'd want intervention in

Going through these...

"The lack of purpose of our existence would make this world a really sad place..."