
Given your misunderstanding about who made this, it's no surprise that your other opinions are also pretty objectively wrong. As a work of criticism, the satire is how their actual beliefs would make for a utterly unsatisfying show. How their lack of imagination (see a minivan as their Ship of the Imagination) allows,

If you're wrong, wouldn't it suck to have wasted that time and money on a religion that lied to you or misled you?

I believe they call it the Nanda Prabat Detour. It supposedly took only 2 years to get Malcolm Merlyn to be a superior archer to Ollie, and so maybe Laurel can get a high speed uptick.

This. Copyright for a whole program might work, but the problem then becomes proving derivative work status. Is a program that looks superficially similar in design and code base but appears to be coincidental convergence bad? Is copy/pasting a single function a matter of infringement?

Well, Spider-Man is a Sony property for the film industry... but you know what?

First, the problem you discuss would only seem to refute abiogenesis. Secondly, there are a bunch of small assumptions one has to accept in order to rule out utterly how we got to where we are now. Proteins are complex, but there's a mistake in assuming each individual one in use today has always been the same. Some

Except that's wrong. Adaptation is caused by diverging population groups - common ancestry is just the reverse of that observation. In the case of the bacteria above, once you have the ones who can eat the new resource alongside the ones who don't, separation would allow independent differentiation that would create

Yeah, I couldn't find anything data-wise about his point. He just looks to be another Bible Literalist - "Well, the Bible and Christ Jesus say Earth don't move, so it don't." Knowing what we do of the universe, he would have to explain why so many things would have to be moving faster than the speed of light to deal

You're a .com, this checks out.

More accurately, I think, bad journalism in general has poisoned all sorts of areas of the body politic. While I'm not for a moment criticizing well-researched articles and reports that tear into corruption, the industry of journalism in print and especially TV has risen on the back of worthless scandals - we've gone

Wait, people working against their own self interest in support of corporate psychopaths who objectively rip off their own defenders? So glad we got away from that, amiriteyall?

Totally. Two of them, it was like, "These are time travel movies? The shit?"

Thanks, HBObamacare Go (Back to Kenya)?

I would say to that the real issue isn't that people are mooching should shut up, but that HBO and the other companies out there should try to find more, better ways to get their audience base access they pay for themselves.

9/12 here, and yeah, the only ones I missed I managed to never hear of in the first place or care about at all.

Seconded. My hope is that Zola gets to pull a "Trojan Horse Ride Off the USB Stick" move from Cap 2, so he ends up able to be a big digital threat. For the people that complained about Agents being too grounded, that would be a huge shift. Plus it could even be something that puts AIM and HYDRA into the same camp,

For the people that claim humans can't effect the climate, you should be offended and taken as offensive when you realize you're saying humankind is less powerful than bacteria. Macro USA, Macro USA!!

How dare you tell people who they have to let themselves listen to?

My favorite version of that is a story of how the US military moved to remove lead from its ammunition. They found a substitute material that performed better in almost every way and wasn't a poison when left around. As people learned about the change, the "green" bullets were complained about, despite having already

...except the times he has.