
So that's why he hangs around c-Side High?

I don't necessarily think coming out swinging is necessary, but I believe a show like Cosmos really needs to spend a decent amount of time priming the pumps with an appreciation for science writ large before really bringing the grit. That said, I think science has lost much of its standing because it has been overly

"Your closed minded disregard of opposing beliefs and contemptuous treatment of any person or argument against evolution highlights your hypocrisy and undermines your legitimacy."

I disagree. There are so many people who never even seem to learn what science is, that trying to show them evidence and conclusions without an appreciation for the process is like throws pearls before swine or books to the blind. Understanding what science is and why it is important matters, perhaps more so now

Those comments... D:

I was going to say something about the Bush pic and how racist it would appear to do something with Pres. Obama, but that damn facial expression is just hilarious.

Season Three is probably where the Russians and ARGUS come up. I am mostyl curious to see if Sarah getting sucked into the LoS is an island event or something different.

Honestly, for all the shenanigans in that show, Mr. HRG was always the best. Play that middle, baby.

But what is the full retard effect? Well... Tarder Sauce is a grumpy cat, and we learned from Tropic Thunder one should never go full retard...

"In this day and age, with so many different types of contraception easily available, there's simply no excuse for treating pregnancy as if it's something that just strikes down random, innocent women without warning."

"That may include Detective Lance, with Guggenheim saying:

Nah, rape is fine. Anything else, though, that's totally her cross buns to bear.

It's good to see you at least showing some nuance here. Given my original presumption of some straight up trollin', that's a positive move.

I know, right? Kleenex is an accomplice in a greater field of slaughter than Pol Pot could have dreamed.

First, rape negates the entire notion of "offering up" anything for anyone. To that end, what about a woman who gets pregnant despite condom use and other contraception? "She tooks her chances!"?

The part that before a point where the fetus can survive on its own, it is literally a parasite, and pregnancy is the only situation where we tell someone they must offer their body up for the sole benefit of another. In any other case, the government telling someone they must give an organ or attach themselves to

"You do realize that the early proponents of abortion (Margaret Sanger) wanted to do it in order to curtail the black population, so many minorities do think abortion is wrong."

Companies getting kickbacks and sweet deals has nothing to do with equality of opportunity, which GOP policies sure as shit don't care about when it comes to protection and developement of post-born poor kids.

Yarr, here be the Flying Anchorman.

There are likely two important causes for the GOP's age-based decay of animosity toward homosexuals: exposure and consistency. Being gay was something maligned and walled off in general society for so long the older generations just feel uncomfortable with the whole notion in a way the youths who grew up with it being