
I'd bet the point of this season is her getting the bigger picture and learning to get over herself.

Next step: attach a button, and create print-out Flappy Bird.

Given the way the wood opens near the top, it looks to be simply that the water is accepted through the rising platform and stored in the pool basin beneath. A fancier version of an indoor pool setup my parents had when I was little. Hell, if anything, the covering mechanism might help conserve water based on how

I would figure this is ideal in a place like much of California where yard space is at a premium. Usually, a pool is really awesome but eats up all the useful backyard space. This would be a great compromise to have useable ground space when you need it and a functional pool when you want it. The big issue I can see

Untrue. FOX is clearly designed. The 'intelligent' prefix is debatable, however.

The best part about Poe's Law is that I can freak people I know out by making outlandish statements I know someone else will make. If anything, I'm usually disappointed at how slow the actual Conservative Outrage Machine is when I'm calling them on stuff like Frozen's lesbian-friendly undertones weeks in advance.

Eventually, I would imagine. But point taken.

They weren't sure if that was really little Dr. Manhattan, so legally they had to err on the side of pixelation.

Master of Orion III was effectively unplayable for weeks when it dropped, and it didn't even have the server excuses. SimCity is, hopefully, the nadir of a franchise let to slip since Sc2000, and is up there.

If the EMH cartoon is any sign, she's got potential to be a part of or catalyst for the Masters of Evil at some point.

Yeah, that one moment which they ended up using as the ad piece for that movie in some promotional DVD at a Best Buy was indicative to me of the core issue of that movie - nobody gave a shit about details, and it shows when you focus on the film at all.

And here we see the Flash and his famous Invisible Skateboard. Best catch that rail, brah.

It probably convinced them that 8 hour step onto the Golden Gate Bridge (daytime to midnight, seemingly) was an accurate assessment for how much time the movie took to watch?

That seems reasonable. I wonder if the mountain borders would have been the only real stopper then, or if even that was merely a consequence of other factors?

Even Cable and Deadpool were shit until other writers salvaged their premises.


Catholics must've pegged their guilt exchange to it.

Yeah, really. I wonder how much further west they could have breached. It seemed like the Hungarians were able to begin to use the mountainous terrain to hobble their thrust. Would there be a rock wall border for their influence otherwise?

True, though it seems less likely we're going to witness much in the way of inconstancy in the rules we've derived than that the old rules will just be inaccurate. It does seem possible the approach toward absolute zero might have some weird shifts based on things like the QM vacuum energy value that seems to wall off

Not necessarily true. It's entirely possible that laws of physics continue to break down in the absolute extreme environment of the Crunch Event after the forces re-merge.