
Thanks to the wonders of the meta-cognitive bias, my estimation for a visual would be more a curved square root sign than a flipped bell curve. The people who are most dangerous with making shit up when they don't know are those who understand things just enough to sound vaguely reasonable when they go off their

You'd only need the old guard for cameos, though. Much better to retool the story with a new cast than make it a pure continuation. I've thought it might be interesting to have Michael end up as either Doc Brown or Marty's dad for a remake.

This is correct. The OP's prediction wasn't for a trailer, but for the movie drop. It's entirely possible they have gotten some pre-production under way if they really wanted a Blue Harvest type of deal. Plus, how many people are actively expecting something like this to hunt for it yet?

Wrong. There is only one correct time to release the film for full effect:

Suicide Squad is supposed to be one of the four smaller DC films getting made soonish. My theory? They're basically using this episode as the launching point for the film premise, potentially introducing or wrangling more villains to fill the Diggle and Co. spots.

It's both. There's a rough beard, and a few lines in the middle of his cheek which are partially obscured by the beard. If you expand the pic there, it's more visible.

Middle of his cheek. There're a few raised lines.

401K? Not when my steak was 140F!

Showing someone where their view has objective errors is being close-minded? Dag, yo.

They could just base her off of Princess Zarda from Supreme Power, who's a WW pastiche in the first place.

Shit, they're used to you subsidizing their business model through tips so far. Why not just put the burden directly on the consumer? Hell, want to make a real political statement? Let the consumer decide what privileges they wish to fund for the worker! Freedom! USA USA!

"I'm Canadian, so it is particularly confusing/bemusing to watch American businesses throw a public hissy pout over employee health benefits, which will benefit the businesses in the end both because of lower turnover and public preference."

"It won't happen until the mobile makers figure out a way to resolve the interface issue."

Stuff like this is usually ripe enough that they can both take a swing at the comedy piñata.


Yes and no. Thea cowgirls up early in season 2. Laurel's going through a long, painful arc of breaking down to set her up for down the road. She still sucks currently.

Build the wall! Defend our borders from the gusty windbacks! They'll suck our jobs away!

"It feels like it's started to lean more towards soap opera when Laurel walks in the room."

"And this was the time I taught the children about the dangers of deadly neurotoxins by exposing them to deadly neurotoxins. They all failed the pop quiz."