
It is, but Southern Treason is folksy and charming, so we give it a pass.

"We're bony fish."

That's much too complex.

"Humankind has become a bunch of cowards."

"Why Eidos Montreal would waste time developing that nonsense is beyond me."

Yes, thank you... looking at the Apple one, especially, it's like, "That's not at all what that would look like." Hell, concentric circle buildings would be more accurate a guess than that construct-a-blob.

"Create a demand in women for video games."

Huh. Comics are weird. lol

Are you sure on Magneto being Roma rather than Jewish in the comics? I recall something from the '90s that was already referring to him as such. I also remember Doctor Doom was Roma, so I'm wondering if that's just a badass Marvel villain crossed wire?

Scrot Baculum? I heard that guy's kind of a dick...

"Optimus Prime is a patriot! If you strip me of this shirt, the Decepticons and the terrorists win!"

Partially, but I'd dare say several have been good examples of how to bridge the gulf between encapsulated stories and larger narratives. Captain America gave a lot of hints about SHIELD's history and tying the Rogers story to the Marvel 'verse without detracting from the main story. Hell, even Avengers works

Will never, implying it hasn't already.

Wait, what? Superman can fly? Shit, next you're gonna tell me he's some kinda illegal alien or something. >_>

"And what happened to the decidedly feminist bent of Black Canary. She was initially targeting men who targeted women. I dug that aspect."


This is the best preview for H.R. Giger's "World of Aliens" waterslide ride ever.

I'm pretty convinced Jedekiah basically knows what Stephen is up to and is playing a long game to see what comes of it. If his nephew ends up helping ULTRA's aims with the Tomorrow People refugees, bonus. If he exposes them so they can be caught, that works too. Everything's coming up Millhouse... er... Jedekiah.

Red sky all the time, sailor's landed on a failed star and about to collapse under the extreme gravity.

"There's two episodes in a row, where we're keeping the titles secret, because both episodes will just blow people's minds."