
For some mobile hardware, more than. Your average desktop that's not consumption-optimized might not be reasonably powered by pedal power alone. Even there, though, attaching to a fairly efficient battery system would help to build up larger charges to run longer in conjunction with other stuff.

I see the source of your trouble. I agree with you to some extent, mostly in that "string theory" is misnamed. It's a hypothesis at this stage, as far as I understand it, a possible explanation for things we can and can't yet observe. It stands out among hypotheses because it's at once so difficult to access in any

Except, interestingly, your inability to see color doesn't prevent us from proving that different forms of light exist. Since light 'color' is simply a matter of different photon wavelengths, we can build a detector that lets us know if a light source contains the targeted range of light waves coming from it. While

Oh... and I was thinking Jodie Foster would be perfect for the part of psychiatrist turned super villain Moonstone.


Going by the site linked for the diet, it looks that it was less a matter of carbohydrates being the issue, and is instead cereal grains and the processing / milling that is fundamental to agriculture's rise. The sugars from fruits and the carbs in nuts would definitely seem in line with tooth problems, and it may

So Fry was right, HDTV in the year 3000 is a better resolution that reality.

The whole angle of possession and the alien shadow war for the Daemonites and WildCATs was a really interesting premise. If only Jim Lee's timeliness kept up with his creativity...

The problem there is if you can't reboot or redo classic stories, you have to let characters develop, change, and sometimes... die.

Apparently, DC just hates money. Or quality.

Yep. Basically, that's a Daemonite. As an old WS 'verse fan, I'm okay with this.

I always liked the odd idea that the two endings were both partially correct. Or, more precisely, both are different takes of the same overall conclusion. Especially with the end of the movie stopping at such a sudden moment. I recall the idea mostly went that the whole abstract arc was inside Shinji's mind while the

I think you mean the Body of the Host, Mountained be his Dew.

Actually, even if you're totally right, wouldn't that be much more an issue of pesticides being bad? Sure, the presumption is the GM used here is meant to increase tolerance to pesticides, but:

But... plot twist! Natasha assures Steve it's fine.

There's something that seems to be forming from DC, a two-pronged approach to their media blitz of world-building. Arrow has lead the TV-first charge, with basically all of their 'smaller' films announced (Deathstroke, Team 7, Suicide Squad, and Booster Gold) being based out of the Arrow-verse.

I guess that's how they recorded the stinger for that album...

Clearly, they can't smell why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

I must say I love how Hank has gone from a goof character to one of the most genre savvy and competent characters in the show. It's astounding.

Flattops and tiny feet for everyone! And corsets for all the ladies. Spina bifida be damned!