
Breaking revelation: Kinja is becoming more carnivorous.

I actually feel like there's a case for the precise choice in their movie selection if they're all being based off of Arrow. Please indulge me in some baseless speculation with spoilers throughout!

Clearly, they've spent decades wallowing away with the properties they haven't used. Therefore, they've been in development "longer". Damn Marvel fanboys. Wasted time is still time! Until the next Crisis, anyway.

True, but in the defense of the Thunderbolts, it'd give them a chance to make some villains that can compete with Loki for being interesting on their own for once. Moonstone and Zemo would be interesting to see as recurring threats and on-again / off-again villains later on.

What are the odds they might try for something like this in the movie universe? So much work, but the payoff would be incredible...

"Defend it from some much larger alien invasion?"

"Daleks have TOILET PLUNGERS on them."

Sounds like comicuckold. o_O

In many parts of the US, the year 2013 is just 1990s drams, 1980s entertainment, and 1950s politics. Oh, but there's smartphones, so we've got that going for us.

This sounds like the best biography ever.

The latter is the "Starchild" theory, something that was pitched as likely true once upon a time but has more recently been written out of the setting. The notion is that there's a cabal in positions of power who feel the Emperor needs to be released from the Golden Throne so he can Jesus-respawn it up and fix shit.

After the events of Die Hard, this guy moves to Chicago, meets his wife while working as a security guard (trying to get away from the craziness of his LA cop life), and settles down to make a family. I like the idea that Steve Urkel and John McClane share the same universe - Live Free or Die Hard would have been much

I'm ticklish against myself at the bottoms of my feet. Damn scientists can't get anything right. :P lol

That's the W gene's fault.

Oddly enough, after this episode, you could even have Felicity having a specifically poignant reason to make something like that - "I never want to be the reason you have to kill again."

"Go out and do something real, something that matters."

I believe he's proven to be a pioneer in the new emergent field of derpigenetics.

This is America, sir, and we now only accept baseless assumptions measured solely by the VOLUME and CONVICTION with which one brags about them being so AMAZING.

But then there's bifurcation...

So it's like biweekly or bimonthly?