
I <3 unironic agenda 21 sensationalists. They almost make me wish the UN's General Assembly was nearly as powerful as they think it is. They're coming to put you in knobless hobbit homes! D:

The most accurate representation of women technology can provide.

And the bathroom on board?

And Bubblegum Crisis was originally set in 2032. There's no crime in moving stuff around if they were to be so bold.

Yeah, seems like he'll be the first user post-WWII.

"Do we really want the games to be made for the widest variation of people? I mean there are so many examples where that's a bad thing."

Tropes and stereotypes often exist from observational experience. There is often a maternal instinct women show to their kids; that's just reality. The issues are when they are used thoughtlessly, like assuming just because some black guys are in gangs that any black guy must be in one, or in this case lazily slapping

There were laws on the books in some parts of the US well into the 20th century over the acceptable devices and means by which a man could physically punish his wife. Similar rules exist elsewhere today.

Yeah. If only DC could take their success here and in their animated films and translated that into the movie sphere, they could actually have Marvel on their heels, but they have really fumbled on a lot of their stuff. The Batman films basically were made to be isolated, Green Lantern was a non-starter, and Man of

The original plan was Barry is introduced for 8 and 9, with episode 20 being the event that makes him into the Flash (the back-door pilot). This extracts his show from that and makes it his own thing. They might need to bring him in anyhow if they were going to steal Felicity for his show (using Rachel's fling as the

Yup. My suspicion is that between the Miraculo formula and the involvement of the League of Assassins, they can begin to step up into some entry level superscience and mysticism toward the end of the season to let season 3 really have that come into play.

Yeah, they might have to lose Barry Allen being exposed to the particle accelerator accident in Arrow, which was the "gee whiz" payoff for the setup so far. Ironically enough, just letting the particle accelerator be a thing for now works great too - the Chekov's Gun can fire off next season just as easily.

I disagree. He's not really the comics Superman yet, but MoS set up a lot of what he is supposed to be, and and for all the shit that the "Man of Murder" gets, he did save the entire planet on his first time out and showed an immediate regret for having to take down Zod. It gives something to the movie 'verse

Actually, it'd work almost perfectly as the reverse. Luthor and Wayne both take the appearance of the new Kryptonian as a potential threat. Sure, the one that appeared to have lived here was working to stop the others, but with the destruction of half of Metropolis as collateral damage from a relatively brief fight,

You're guaranteed that one of them is right! Where do I send my check?

Sure. There's a lot to be said for the difference between an external viewer in a 3rd person written story and something like dialog or a 1st person description. It's the latter case where it really stands out when these 'translations' appear.

That's not a bad idea, but I would love to see someone take the same sort of attention we praise in historical dramas to envision a 'future history' for their setting, specifically so we can tease on things like 2080s remakes of 2030s material that's actually ripped off of stuff that we know. Or like for an idea I had

Last I checked, America wasn't part of your "world". :P

Ah. The season 2 opener is probably going to be a bit dense with fallout drama if you're coming in fresh. I think you can get up to speed with the next two episodes from there, and then you may want to backtrack if you're more sold on it at that point. If not, there's more than enough else on TV.

I'm assuming you mean "now" there. If so, I agree. Arrow was one of the best newer shows on TV, and with how season 2 is going, I have a feeling it's on the trajectory to become potentially the greatest superhero show of all time. I'm hoping that Affleck and the Arrow team end up being the group that sets the DC