
This just gave me an awesome idea for a different sort of post-apocalyptic story. In this case, a group of scientists from 5 minutes in the future have determined that they've passed a point of no return, and the environment will collapse into a new, hotter standard.

Are you sure about all that, though? How can you come to that kind of climax, you jerk?

Or he actually was just the bumbling actor, but stumbles upon magic/science and ends up double-bluffing people like he's just an actor still when he really is the villain this time.

Intercharge marriage annihilates society!

She's a strong Asgardian woman who don't need no man!

I so badly want to have the donkey and elephants replaced with bulbous and fibrous growths for describing the parties. D:

Arrow's second half of the first season is a lot better than the first half. There was a point for me where watching went from being a struggle to a mild addiction.

Plot Twist!

"While noble, the Affordable Care Act will cost more money that we don't have.

I think the fry eating needed a dramatic slow down effect along with the rotation.

No, he means as opposed to real hipsters which were hipsters before hipsters started hipstering(?) before it was cool.

This sounds like the perfect premise for a sci-fi book or series. Translate the real world issues with African mining over to Jupiter or Saturn. "The Europan Revolution", "White Rain", "Money from the Heavens"?

Oh, no doubt. I do a lot of Kickstarter funding for gaming products where there's much more clear quid pro quo to be found. The artsy stuff, I can totally see the side where it feels far dumber to toss money around.

Shit, building strawmen is the last US industry we have. What do you want to do, ship that off to Mexico? Liberal! :P

The entire Kickstarter model is meant for those who have an idea they'd like to bring to market, but lack the initial capital to do so. I don't blame anyone for not jumping onto these - it is taking a much bigger risk than just ordering something already sealed and done, but for niche products that couldn't really fit


No. It's origin stories all the way down.

I could see that. The biggest issue is that while we can feel pretty safe that Clark Gregg could pull off having that much more screentime, WHITE MALE PROTAGONIST guy there still needs to get into his groove. That was what I felt took a few episodes for Amell, and there's hope he can follow suit. Chloe is the one who

I'm a huge Arrow fan, but after the fairly strong first episode, it took a while to get its bearings, at least for me and a few other people on here at the time.

Arrow, right away? It was only around episode 7 or 8 where it began to really get kicking into high gear, and it was still shaking off some of the early show uglies right up until the mid-season break.