
Subtle as a hammer. I'm more thoroughly convinced by that wording we're going with either a Life Model Decoy or a clone with mental imprinting done.

Not so much a myth as it was a misunderstanding. Clinton knocked out the deficit, in part by major military spending cutbacks. A mistake we've been sure to correct in the years since his departure.

I saw exactly what you were talking about. I blame the paint job trying for a 'faux metal' look. Personally, a natural leather look would seem more awesome there, though maybe with a darker shade of blue.

"So for me, it is infuriating to see DC/Warner blow it because they could have an all encompassing DC universe series of movies/Tv shows because they have all the rights."

Maybe. I think it's possible that working from a point of failure in his success, it's the catalyst for Superman never letting that happen again. Light shines brightest against a dark backdrop, and the deaths of Metropolis give both Superman a direction to strive and Lex Luthor a real reason to villify him. Having

All very good points, and I concede that a lot of my defense is only that the characterization makes sense to me - there are parts I feel are only potentially OK now because they can work for a better story long-term.

And for all that, I feel it must be pointed out that the entire movie is an origin story for Movieverse Superman. Up until that moment, Clark had been at most a Herculean figure fighting against disasters. He had no formal fighting experience or anything like that from what the film showed. The entire movie shows his

"So rather than writing a noble and exciting (AKA intelligent) ending, they resorted to the lowest common denominator, which was to break Superman's character.

/tg/ gets stuff done

Moon, Mars, Ceres, Europa. Those are probably, in order, our first four big four milestones of colonization. Once we can resupply some resources from the Moon rather than having to lift everything from Earth, that'll be a boon to further exploration. Mars offers the best chance so far of an Earth-like life beyond our

The issue I have with Objectivism and libertarianism is that many of their adherents take the basic premise too far and make a fundamental error, forgetting that no man is an island.

When I look at that grin of his, I can't imagine him not going, "Ratatatatatata..." like a Gatling gun on that bad boy.

Let's put it this way... if there was real, solid evidence that global warming / climate change was not human-influenced, the science community would be drowned in a flood of money from industries looking to absolve themselves of this. And while the science world can be slow to accept new ideas that toss away old

Which one did you watch? 2040, or the original series? The OG version from the '80s was only 8 episodes, so you should be able to blaze through it pretty fast.

I hoped so hard the final shock in the 'real world' would've revealed that even the Zion world was part of a deeper Matrix. Imagine if the humans and AIs were trapped together...

That was the only film where I was so elated in the first half and so horrendously disappointed in the second. I'm still convinced there was a film mixup and the second half of the dark comedy of Hobo Superman was swapped with the direct-to-video pseudo-divine tragedy's finale.

Yeah, really. You get most of the visuals of Akira, and the ideas of technology as doom and salvation would play well today. Never mind the Blade Runner callbacks. Hell, for bonus points, they could even play up the Priss-as-rock-star angle to get some up and coming musical talent with some acting chops to headline

Back in 2009, there were apparently serious talks of a major multi-national effort to put the Knight Sabers on the big screen in a live action remake of Bubblegum Crisis. In an alternate timeline, this movie might have just landed on Netflix. :(

Jesus... Excite, HotBot... I'm having 28K flashbacks. D:

If I were in charge there, I'd use the success of Arrow's next season and its first spinoff as gauges for action, along with the big film due out in a few years. Gotham Central seems like a potentially great way to bridge the gap between Batman and the TV portion of their 'verse without him being the star of a