
That's very fair. I sometimes conflate the predictive analysis (what I think WB will do) vs. my own personal speculation of what I would do in their position. Arrow isn't big right now, but the buzz is growing pretty steadily. I would say that the Flash test case will really be the indicator if DC is in a position to

"DC/Warner doesn't have a film to connect this to and won't until 2015."

Sounds like something to spin off of Arrow in Season 3. Introduce Renee Montoya, have her make a break with some big cases, and then move her over to her own show.

It's like your phone saw one of those early '90s windbreakers and said, "Yeah, I need me one of those." Amazing.

What he means is that removing the 1 cent to take something from, say, $10 to $9.99 has a surprisingly huge psychological effect. Our brains tend not to work so well automatically with larger numbers, and so we'll tend to unconsciously truncate the decimal portion. When I worked retail, I would sometimes witness this

That's the choice of a private institution. But a government-provided resource? That'd be a funny case to see.

Sadly, the logical conclusion here isn't probably what he'd want. See, when magnets attract, they become bound with an immense force, potentially great enough to shatter the magnets and ruin them. Even worse, trying to flip a magnet to make it attracted to the opposite end of the other magnet can cause similarly

Pebble got me back into wearing one.

There's a Moviebob hypothesis for this I find quite reasonable. The big reason you're seeing a big push in the direction of using pre-existing IPs is that it is far safer for people in the studios to push for these kinds of films. For example, imagine you're pitching a film like Inception. Sure, it turns out in its

The one kid didn't so much go crazy as he found a brand new outlet for which his underlying angst and anger could act.

"We have come to make the financial transfer requested of us. Humans, take us to your leader, Prince Muytambo of Nigeria."

That's happened every year right after the announcements, even on the 'better' years for results - it's more likely just a cash-out than an indictment, since the rumor mill churning always seems to build up a pump into the AAPL price leading up to the announcement day.

Damn it man! Your quantum talk has caused catastrophic decoherence. Worlds are collapsing into each other. The manifold is torn! Wibbly wobbly! D:

We'll call it "Watto and Me", the gripping tale of how one Toydarian's rise to power on the pod racing scene has given him control of a city and way of life. Having learned to foil Jedi mind tricks, the focused immigrant has brought a community under his sway, hustling tax breaks for him pod racing parts company while

I think you managed to accidentally a word.

Possibly. I seem to recall that about the episode I came around, she was kinda pushed aside for a while. She was more involved again in the second half of the season, but she was toned back a bit and didn't seem nearly as frustrating.

I'd say it was about episode 6 or 7 where it really kicked into gear after the patchy start. I can't quite pin it down either, but that was where it stopped feeling like I had to try to keep going and was instead pulled along all too willingly.

That's the American way, though. Clearly, if those working stiffs didn't want to die, they'd stop being lazy and unmotivated, move up the corporate ladder, and be worthy of their lives. Are you even trying? ;)

"A method of communicating verbally or by text with Anglo-Saxons and their associates."

Hey, whatever twerks...