
Yeah, between drug use and good ol' rationalization, his conscious could've been quite clean if he wasn't very 'in-the-loop' as to the actual actions taken.

You know what'd be even worse than being the friend that's not keeping track? The one guy that's on a slower connection that gets all the game updates late. So alone... D:

The Crisis on Infinite Civil Suits was hard on many, but old [REDACTED] most of all.

I prefer the Moviebob idea of the Mandarin character from IM3 running across the science-magic rings so you have him kinda overwhelmed with power and a goof/menace to the Avengers.

To be clear, I said the SF Bay Area. Go drive around San Jose or basically anything between roughly San Mateo, Gilroy, and Fremont. There's a lot of green around the south end.

"No actually they will never - ever - look like that."

It's a quite tragic state of affairs where everyone ought to know that any one scientist's lies help discredit the entire enterprise of research, yet any individual might be able to get a big personal boost by fudging results to a more desirable result.

70% of people seeing that word in use will just watch as though normalcy was a state they could hold. Congrats on being part of the active 10%?

I wish DC would give up on live action... they've got an incredibly well-developed animation system in place, and I think there's room with the post-anime generation that you could make a fully animated superhero film that would bring in crowds.

Ah, yes, the final piece of the puzzle. Dystopitastic!

Man, can you imagine the racket if you had a future like this with the same company in the police AND prison businesses?

No individual cares about region locking nearly so much as some sellers do. Most US legislation concerns boil down right to that - who stands to lose or gain the most? They're going to usually end up pulling the strings for a given issue.

Me too. That setup looks like it would hobble him pretty bad at TF2.

Sorry, bro. The procedural Cop-Doctor-Lawyer show format is immensely successful and a huge known element. If someone's going to pitch a premise as out there as a hard sci-fi generation ship setting, the "hard-nosed detective" angle ensures a touchstone for an audience they aren't sure will watch something like this.

Seeing as I don't really know how much power is needed to run one of these engines, I couldn't begin to speculate, but a combination of improved cell and efficiency could make it feasible for airlines to become nearly power-independent within a few decades.

...right now. As base sources transition, so will the indirect fuel efficiency. I could see airports with solar panels covering much of this need for plane recharging.

She's taking American star hunting jobs! D: lol

I disagree somewhat. I love the show, and the direction they're taking with the Island story line seems like something that could lead in an amazing direction. One that even potentially ties into Jack Harkness... Merlyn's own 2 years of training. A veritable League of Shadows is hinted at in the distance behind Yao

The SMJ version of Nick Fury exists in an alternate comic universe written entirely apart from the standard Marvel 'verse, precisely for two goals: re-imagining classic characters with a more modern aesthetic, and setting up a slimmed down universe more amenable to mass media use.

Proximity mines were hilarious. I remember I used to have the maps so well memorized that I would reliably shuttle run to the spawn points so if someone else died, they might end up eating three or four Spawnsplosions!™ before getting to play again. Dirty, dirty cheese, and I loved it.