
China's about to reach Critical Knock-Off if they try that. Imagine a feedback loop where they copy Las Vegas, which includes all its knock-offs, and let's say Las Vegas makes a Chinese-themed casino... then they'll be copying a duplicate of their knock-off.

The only big philosophical question I can see emerging is if there ends being some sign that this technique's use pushes up another species to a higher level of cognizance PotA-style. That would be a whole new can of worms over sentience and sapience, what responsibility and rights we'd have in creating new persons,

Your mind is more than just the genetic structure of your brain cells, but also has a lot to do with their physical configuration and the chemical interplay. A mouse with your brain cells MIGHT end up with some level of similarity to you, but how much and what would be far detached from making a Mini Me in rodent form.

And here I missed that game. I have the regrets. :(

"You cant fault a consumer and profit driven industry for making products that cater to consumer demand and reduce the risk of loss."

Really? Shit, and here I thought I just pulled a made-up number outta my ass. There's no such thing as '2'. :p lol

2:20 is actually about the right amount of time for the "elevator pitch" idea. For marketing at a major company, selling oneself as an idea akin to how they'd sell new food item and promotion ideas sounds quite surprisingly apt for them.

"Even so, I firmly believe that abortion is a tool that should be used when the life of the mother is at risk or the quality of life of the child would be seriously compromised if brought to full term."

I suspect had the impact happened somewhere in the Midwest or Bible Belt, we'd be hearing about the Second Coming SO HARD.

Clearly, we're nearing Peak Liberal Brainwashing here.

Comic Sans?

The factor that explains why your Superman vs. Batman fights aren't a one-line affair of "Then Kal-El flew to the Sun, came back into the atmosphere at Mach 7, and turned Bruce Wayne into high-energy plasma vapor" is that they tend to assume that even when he's 'turned' there is still some vestige of him that holds

You're welcome. I'm glad it could click.

Clearly it's all because they only have to go the final kilometer, which is a lot shorter. Stupid metric system... :P

I hope this catches on so we can just discredit the review system entirely. Ironically enough, the dumbass here hoping to catch a windfall will find the harder he squeezes, the less he'll get.

Here's a question: what's worse, YouTube, or Yahoo news? I swear the comment chains in some of those articles make me want to re-enact Moonraker on mankind. >_<

According to this, Kinja commenting is probably then just doing God's work.

They could always pull a Burn Notice and cover a big chunk of the list cleaning in one big montage sequence, allowing them to compress that if they want to move the story forward quickly. For now, the Undertaking idea seems like it's worth keeping him in the list for at least a season.

"and that antimatter might be where memory is located."