
Saving future badgers the hassle. It's just efficient.

Look, everyone knows that, just like how the only option against total freedom of gun ownership is banning all firearms, that by entertaining anything about video games, we must censor everything forever. Compromise is terrorism, ignorance is freedom!

What's a foot removal but a rejection of the steps you've taken?

Yeah, why would I trust some hippie government drone to protect my kids? Conceal and carry for all children, it's the only way to be safe! :P

Don't come a'knockin'

Pfft... you're just a... a... thermist!

"All humans are entitled to the bare essentials needed to survive including companionship."

Yes, the song is not great, but that's absolutely intentional. It's satire. He intentionally made a song that perfectly intones the sort of mindless rap of which he claims that his avoidance makes him less legit in the eyes of others despite his other excellent performances. He's making an intentionally insulting,

Nay, ye be wastin' valuable Arrrrrrrre.

That's something that comes up in art a lot. Like how there are people that do some downright strange, seemingly random pieces that appear that way right until the deliberation behind the madness is explained. You can't well defy tropes and expectations skillfully unless you're well-versed in the very same details

Score! *walking away nonchalantly from a series of building explosions*

I second this idea.

Hmm... yes...

Nah. Galactus I'd accept, -maybe- even Annihilus, but Apocalypse is small-time.

Also a child and chimp in the trunk. Tre authentique!

In the future, we will have developed spaceboarding technology.

Wait, how does the use of the same actors for the same roles necessarily imply that they're from the same storyline 'verse as the first X-Men films? First, the Marvel Universe proper is chock full of alternate dimensions and timelines, and the story on which the new film is based is explicitly an alternate timeline.

Actually, I think the better tie-in, at least from a story sense perspective, is to have the Earth threat introduced in the next Green Lantern film. We've already established there that the rise of Sinestro as a villainous force is coming, and it could be that one of two threats in the second film ends up threatening

Possibly. It's a lot easier to research on a PC, though.

Pretty sure the "PC master race" was a /v/ meme for some time before the Yahtzee reference.