
Evangelics are a very reliable voting bloc. Some huge percentage of them vote in every election faithfully (no pun intended).

Christians can’t even do yoga now? I wonder what sort of exercise these whack jobs would deem expressly godly?

Dov Charney should move into the Playboy Mansion with Hugh Hefner and Larry Flynt.

I’m sorry to hear that. I hope you kick your cancer to the curb.

So far this year I’ve had a bench warrant issued for my arrest, lost my job, my car broke down and artists that made the world a better place have died. I’m totally ready for 2k16 to be over.

I applaud your radical thinking, but I just don’t think the business world is ready for such a crazy idea yet.

This is what I thought of when I read the post. (I hated this video and all its spin-off so very, very much.)

Who would Jesus punch?

As a Californian, I have to say I’m gettin’ a little jealous of Oregon doing all the cool, progressive shit first now. First it was marijuana legalization, now this. C’mon Oregon. We Californians have a reputation as the most progressive state to defend! (Seriously, yay Oregon. This is fabulous news.)

Sweet jeebus he’s a vicious little fuck.

Where do I apply for the job of taco scientist ‘cuz I think I finally figured out what I want to be when I grow up.

I made a resolution to learn to knit and I’m in the process of making my first ever weird, misshapen pot holder. Woo hoo!

My husband and I love snarking on the people on Tiny House Nation. Their expectations are so laughably unrealistic.

I had to stop watching Homeland in either season 2 or 3 when it became The Dana Show.

I’m super bummed Rick Santorum ever learned to talk.

My mom took me and my sister to see the very first Star Wars as well as the sequels. My dad wasn’t interested.

What’s up with these off-the-grid demogogues? Eric Rudolph was another off the grid survivalist and Deer just sounds like an older, creepier version of him. I am so not surprised about his lengthy record of brushes with the law. And to those who inevitably show up to say that things would have been different if the PP

Holy fuck that puppy is cute. I’ll take puppy if France doesn’t want it.

I hiked and camped and and sailed and built fires and learned to tie knots as a girl scout. We did a ton of outside stuff. I second whoever said it really depends on who the leader is.

I’m with Angelina. I LOVE menopause. I never have headaches or get cold anymore and I’m so much more settled and stable and happy. I was a crazy woman when I was getting periods. I’m much saner and more content now. There’s nothing about menopause I don’t love so far. Have no fears.