
Oh dear god. You have my deepest sympathy. I HATE that song.

Really? I think I’ve finally found my tribe.

Wow, that’s really rough. I’m sorry about that. I hope you both find work and can move back in together.

It would be interesting to see the percentages of young adults still at home broken down by geographic region. I live in the SF Bay Area where the cost of living is staggering so I imagine it’s a lot higher here. This is what happens when all the middle class jobs get eliminated or outsourced and the minimum wage

I hear you. I’m already sick of Christmas and it’s only Veterans Day. If it were just the decorations I might be ok, but having to hear the same, recycled holiday songs on continuous loop that I’ve been hearing for decades makes me want to slap an elf.

Every workplace always has one deluded Ponzi scheme worker trying to push their makeup, candles, or whatever on everyone else. I just want to shake them and say, “Wake up!”

Oh hell no. I’m sure Vicki was in on it with Brooks. She craves drama like a vampire craves blood. Not that I have a huge amount of admiration for anyone on the RH franchises, but I just find Vicki to be one of the most tedious women in all the RH franchises. I can’t even hate watch her she’s so annoying.

This sounds awesome. I can’t wait. The internet hasn’t ruined my life, but it’s definitely made me a lot more cautious and paranoid.

Brandi Glanville gets my vote for Most Self-Hating Celebrity Alive. It’s just painful to watch her explode and project all her self-loathing onto everyone around her. Painful and obnoxious.

Same here with the Corvettes. They’re purchased exclusively by old white dudes who watch Fox News. What a waste of a great car.

What? No copy of Sarah Palin’s Going Rogue? I demand to speak with the management!

Khloe won the Nobel prize in science when she was only seven. Kim is a recipient of the prestigious Fullbright fellowship. The other one (?) was a Rhodes scholar at 13. They each speak six languages including Latin and spend a significant amount of time contributing their talents to nuclear physics research.

Kontouring. I see what you did there.

Sheesh. She talks about self-acceptance, but does everything in her power to not look like who she actually is!

I’d call it fiction. Much like Khloe herself.

I don’t know. Michelangelo’s David shows him rocking out with his cock out.

You could see a real nekkid lady for a fraction of that. Unless you’re an MRA that is.